How did this whole Indians shit on the street start?

How did this whole Indians shit on the street start?
I personally am very offended by this, and planning to beat the shit out of the next British tourist I shit, I shit you not.

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>beat the shit out of the next British tourist I shit, I shit you not.
You are going to shit on a British tourist? lol

>Seventy-six percent (678 million) of the 892 million people practicing open defecation in the world live in just seven countries. India is the country with the highest number of people practicing open defecation, around 525 million people.[1] This makes 40 percent of the total Indian population including 7 percent of urban dwellers and 56 percent of villagers. About 59 percent of people in the world practicing open defecation live in India.

its because you idiots have a space program but no toilets. Priorities BTFO

I meant SEE, dumb shit.

that's just shit you came up with

that's also shit you've come up with

Have you never shit on a street? I legit thought all Indians do it.

You mean you don't have a space program?

>shit you came up with

There was a self-hating Indian pretending to be butthurt about the Unesco "take the poo to the loo" video. He claimed that open defecation isn't that bad and that there were "designated shitting streets assigned for it. Sup Forums took it and ran with it.

no we're reaching space end of 2020
i mean that we dont have holes in the ground to take shit in
and if you come up with this shit to me in real life, I'll kick the shit out of you

I know for a fact that you guys have an open defecation problem, because I've been to India 3 times. Don't lie to me pajeet.

Imagine my shock

shit on you motherfucker, meet me somewhere and ill kick you so hard you'll shit yourself

>tfw you weren’t born in India or China
Dodged a bullet there

Indian air is literally toxic.



>tfw born in 1st world country in wealthy area of wealthiest country

youre worse shit than india though



Doesn't make a difference other than the fact that we can browse Sup Forums faster.
Fucking depressing.

at least we have loos

AHHAHA how funny, meet me in real life
I'm gonna beat the shit out of you nigger shit

that's bullshit though
and you know it

are indians posting on Sup Forums brahmins?

>Indians call India "Bharat"
>sounds JUST like "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaap"
Coincidence? I think not, faecal incontinence is so iconic of India that they decided to name their country after its onomatopoeia

Lmao as if an Indian could fight anyone. You're so malnourished and gross and smelly. Why are Indians the worst race?

shit on you motherfucker, who the shit are you?


fuck youfuck youfuck youfuck youfuck youfuck youfuck youfuck you

Show bobs.

reckon this guy is a foreign troll
all of his posts bar one have the word shit in it

Ignore this posters, he's a Greek proxy shit poster called Kellyfatass

Nice proxy, Jonathan.


shit on you

West asians, always ready to meet critizism with violence.

I'm unironically British

Prove you're actually Indian by Speaking Hindi.

Ill take a shit on you any day, shit head



Isn't that Einor's pic? Lmao

My instinct and 3 years of experience in India tell me that he's not a fucking genuine Indian. Although it's an indisputable fact that most of the indians are pretty pathetic, autistic and seriously retarded, they don't overtly try to show how badly retarded they are like this.

before pretending to be an Indian, learn to act Indian bro

Well been gone in India once in my life and I could feel it in the air all nights... Oh Lord!

>Dodged a bullet there

not literally though


you're not south korean also

Those who are less than Sudra may not be able to afford to do so much as post on 4 chan with their nokia with a black and white screen.


user just let our kevin the engrish teacher alone

>Indian taxpayers receive internet from the government
>americans overpay ISPs that own the government
Who's backwards now?


stop complaining americanski cyкa, you got alot of cheap stuff such as fuel, it compensates

Stop whining when you are a citizen of the world hegemon called America.

It started with your existence.

Why we have this 1$/1000000 words copyrighting SEO call-center nigger? I urge admins and mods to IP-range block them
OP you have to complete 1000 virtual assistant jobs and resolve 9999999 captchas to get your daily bowl of rice

I am a brahmin , AMA.

?? What happened Ivan , why so angry with India?

Is it hard to find Indian qt for white boy in India?

>be handsome
>don't be obese
>respect her parents
>don't be an abusive dick like her father
you will definitely get a nice girl to settle down with

Use tinder in Mumbai and Delhi and you will have sex all your vacation.

Hmm, I want to visit India somehow

Lmao XD nice

Im urban middle class 'low caste', although no one gives a shit and no one would dare to say shit to me because Im a big guy.

Midget Indians can only beat the shit out of their own colons.

>How did this whole Indians shit on the street start?

In India

>i mean that we dont have holes in the ground to take shit in

So you just shit on the street instead?

not trying to defend my country's pathetic state, but there are over a billion people here. Most of them are very poor and these people come from rural areas to look for jobs (usually labour on a daily wage basis). They live in 'houses' made of tin with only one room that a family of five lives. The husband (who'll probably die in a few years because he has a tobacco addiction) works as a labour, the wife looks for jobs in the middle class areas as housemaids. the eldest girl looks after the two year old and the young boy goes to a municipal school (not because of education but for a meal) where teachers don't know how and what to teach. They don't even have basic amenities and have no future whatsoever. And these are the people who vote for the political parties who'll offer them ration, because our politicians have nothing better to offer. Do you really think that lack of toilets is the worst thing here?

Pajeet, your trolling skill is rather pathetic. Not even rhyme correctly. How can you slap? You son of a basterd bich!

stop making us feel
this is a meme space

I dont want you to pity them, just showing you that they don't really have any option.

Because this
isn't funny.

Swedish faggot started it. He was probably a paki.

It happened some years ago and he had a lot of copypaste material and he was very dedicated.

>Swedish faggot started it
then stop it. do you really think that this 'meme' is funny?

>"designated shitting streets"

holy shit my sides

It was one Australian guy that threw some banter at an Indian. The Indian could not deal with it at all.

The End.