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Do blacks owe slave reparations to the jews? Are the blacks actually the first Nazis?

Well Jews were never actually in Egypt but I guess west africans never ruled it either so who cares

But weren't the Hebrews Egyptian slaves?

What did blacks do in the ~2000 year hiatus between being KANGZ and being slaves?

We've come a long way.

It's like 4000 years.

>but I guess west africans never ruled it either


>implying all pharaohs until Ptolemy weren't black
Get woke

Well they were definitively north african, which at least keeps them from being wh*te.

Life as an Egyptian fucking sucked though, the state controlled every aspect of your life, it was fucking illegal for farmers to own their own seeds, the state gave them an exact number of seed and then collected an exact number of crops come harvesting season. If anything it was self-imposed slavery and the romans, who valued personal rights, considered them to be fucking aliens.

no proof of this

Nothing even suggesting it to be the case. Gypsies also claimed heritage with the ancient egyptians but it turned out they were all from the same shitty village in India.

Of course. Everyone should reject all forms of sandpeople fairy tales

As for the Gypsies WEWUZZING, it's probably because their name GYPsies most likely derives from Egypt. But, that is because the Dom people, aka the Gypsies of the Middle East have lived in Egypt for a long time and are likely related to the Gypises of Europe and thus come from as you've mentioned, some shitty village in India

So many fairytales, kind of strange how easily the legacy of the ancients were lost to us beofre the modern era. When Napoleon arrived in Egypt and asked who built the pyramids, the locals didn't even know.

If KANGZ and QUEENZ were black then who did they enslave to build the pyramids?

I like how they go from egyptians 4k years ago to west africa slaves from 300y ago.


We wuzing seems to ignore that only a select few got to be kangz.

No. They were all Kangz. There was no slaves, no workers, no peasants, no farmers. Just Kangz.

each man, woman, and child wuz dey own Kangz and Quanz
not nobody told dem what to do



>When Napoleon arrived in Egypt and asked who built the pyramids, the locals didn't even know.
That's because of Ottoman stagnation shitting those places up. The amount of actual literate people they had was barely 1%

If black kings enslaved millions peoples to build pyramids then that means they were rightfully enslaved by the white man