Where were you when Trump won the presidency because Bernie lost his supporters vote to the Republicans?

Where were you when Trump won the presidency because Bernie lost his supporters vote to the Republicans?

Happily masturbating

why would bernie supports vote for trump

it's so inane to even think this is a possibility

I am.

They're sure as shit not going to be voting for Shillary after what the DNC did to him. Anything to spite her.

how many trump policies are in line with bernie's that would make you vote for him?

that was on WEAK speech.

Real losers are the ones that gave him $27 dollars at a time. kek

Because they hate Hillary more you bird fearing nigger. After the email leaks, why the fuck would they remain democucks at all?

>voting for an establishment candidate

the spite vote is very real.

I'm just waiting for Trumps HIGH ENERGY victory speech. I can feel it now.

they vote for policies, not memes like "anti-establishment"

and trumps policies are at the opposite of bernie's

spite comes from republicans it seems, cruz won't even endorse trump kek

bernie endorsed hillary and what clinton & the DNC did to bernie is far worse then what Trump alone did to Ted Cruz.


>memes like "anti-establishment"

sure thing, buddy

Sanders saw what they did to Cruz after he didn't endorse Trump. He would be mad to do the same and would be dead to the Democrats, probably literally with Shillarys track record.

I am. I jumped ship a long time ago.

You're on /po/. You really think a significant amount of Bernie normies will jump on the Trump train because of something that will be months in the past come Election Day?


Pretty sure when Trump crucifies Hillary, they'll reconsider.

Yes, because the DNC completely fucked over Sanders.

Because Hillary is a Textbook case of what his Entire fucking campaign was mostly about, where as he moderately clashes with Trump

I.E It is like Batman fighting the Joker for years to team up with him and fight Crazy Quilt

textbook case about what he is against*

immigration, minimum wage, climate change/environment, etc.

he clashes with trump harder than clinton

Picture your average American. Now picture him voting for Hillary Clinton.


economy* as well of course, and education

he is a socialist as you can tell

I did. That's how I found Sup Forums in the first place.

I also found some other, more sinister board. Also the net worth of /biz/ is about tree fiddy.

Clinton is just an echo chamber though. And has flip flopped all over the place. You cant check every dot in a multiple choice test and say she got all the right answers