Escape from New York

Whole lotta hype but eh. those tits tho

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Carpenter knew his shit

>movie comes out
>indepdent w/ limited release
>takes 30 years to earn its reputation

You thought the movie sucked? Got any pics of her from The Fog?

op here, I didn't think it sucked but im a carpenter fag and was stoked to finally see it. it's a 7/10, I think even Christine is better imo

>im a carpenter fag
>hadn't seen Escape from New York until today
fuck OFF

shes still hot af and totally fuckable in Carnivale.

EFNY is boring af i agree


Escape from New York is goat.

Christine's one of my favorite Carpenter films desu

I didn't take to EFNY my first viewing. It took another watch or two before I really started to appreciate it.

Also, how about that theme:

You are right. This masterpiece flick successfully exploited inner city cultural aspects & caricatured it as the satire at the time that film was released. So filmmaker like Carpenter really knows not only the shit, but also senses what is the timely subject.

It's good, but it's not even Carpenter's top five. Anyone disagreeing with that hasn't even seen that many of his movies.

It's also talked about / marketed as an action movie, which it's not. I think people might be put off by that.


i was just talking about breasts dood

Its easily in my top 3 Carpenters

it's also in my top 3 name your top 3 nigger

RLM fag detected.

Not that guy but here's mine:
The Thing
Escape from NY
Big Trouble in Little China

The Russell trifecta

pretty close to mine the thing would probably be 4th since i love they live

>It's good, but it's not even Carpenter's top five
Well, Carpenter I my favorite director and Escape from New York is my favorite movie, it has been for almost 20 years.
