>It's a 'graphic descriptions of child abuse interspersed with ads for sex toys' episode
It's a 'graphic descriptions of child abuse interspersed with ads for sex toys' episode
>that time Henry talked about "boy murder" in front of a network executive
This is still going?
Good to know if i never need podcast fuel there's probably a lot i need to catch up on.
>It's a satanic ufo secretly working for the NWO through anal ritual abuse episode
I was big on cave comedy radio until I listened to Cumtown.
Now everything doesn't seem as funny to me besides the Around the NFL podcast and Cumtown
>It's a 'you start to feel some sympathy for a serial killer due to their terrible early life but then remember their crimes' episode
I found myself feeling really sorry for Dahmer for the first episode before he really went off the deep end
I tried listening to a few episodes of this after hearing about it on Sup Forums but they never do their research on anything and are often wrong about things. They could at least glance at wikipedia articles for 5 seconds before they go on the air.
They get their sources from dead websites from the 1990s written by conspiracy theorists. Just consider it for the sake of entertainment and that's it.
>Marcus' "sexy" voice while he reads those ads, after said descriptions of sexual abuse
this isn't true desu. the newer episodes in particular are pretty well researched.
the worst thing about lpotl is the fanbase. bunch of degenerate sjw faggots
Best tier
>Dahmer, Henry Lee Lucas, Manson, Son of Sam, Andrei Chikatilo
Good tier
>Bundy, Gacy, Albert Fish, Wuornos, Hillside Stranglers, Ed Gein, Boston Strangler
OK tier
>Jack the Ripper, Richard Chase
Poor tier
>Leonard Lake and Charles Ng, H.H. Holmes, Ed Kemper
Shit tier
>Fred and Rose West, Ted Kaczynski, Bundy, Gary Ridgeway
Well I started with the first few episodes, maybe they improve on that
>It's a Marcus laughing for a full 40 seconds while Henry impersonates some famous character and Ben mumbles "alll right" in the background
>those letters in the Albert Fish episodes
The horse with its tail on fire bit is quite poetic until you remember he's talking about passion for raping children
I started listening to LPOTL to impress some girl I was into. I stayed due to finding it really entertaining, then again I'm a podcast pleb, I'll literally listen to 99% of podcasts out there as long as they provide white noise for me when I play a game or some shit.
Is Ben the least funny """""""""""""comedian""""""""""""" ever?
>tfw had my own version of infinityland as a kid
Didn't turn in to a faggot raping serial killer, but i was sure as shit awkward until about 23.
>Female LPOTL fan
How overweight was she?
Is there not a lot of LPOTL fans that are female? I always assumed that it wasn't so gender biased in the demographics.
She was fit btw, never banged though.
Son of Sam was GOAT
>Possum Kingdom episode
I still can't find my sides
it's absolutely cancer and i don't recommend it, but i joined the facebook page and there's tons of fit bitches that post in it. left a few days after joining because of the sheer level of normiefagness of their FB audience. Also been to 2 atlanta live shows and there was a bunch of qt's there.
seth dickfield is absolute podkino
I want my pure cum. LA cum is inferior, Amber spoils the cum with her boring fucking interjections. I just want Nick and Stav calling Aaron gay.
Objectively the worst podcast that covers its subject matter. If you're into listening in on a recording of Redditors who think they're funnier than they actually are getting together in a room and trying to out shock-jock each other, then you might enjoy this shitshow.
I don't see how anyone can unironically get into this unless you're some edgelord or a mental midget.
>They get their sources from dead websites from the 1990s written by conspiracy theorists
This is pretty much the same reason why I dropped Lore. Once I decided to dive deeper into an episode he did about some woman getting buried alive underneath a carpet. I ended up finding some fucking Geocities website covering the urban legend and quickly realized he pretty much plagiarized the whole fucking thing on his podcast.
who here /los/?
>tfw as their careers get better the show gets worse
>people having fun and participating
>cute girls who like the same things you do
>"I don't recommend it"
I guess some people are just proud to be autistic
Yeah normies seem to be into this podcast, surprisingly. Listen to some of the viewer story episodes. Most of them aren't awkward at all, and a lot of cute (sounding) girls call in
real ass podcast is better desu, dave is basically dead weight and nobody wants to hear another story about jay fucking that gross pig christine
oh shit no I love lore. damn.
Any suggestions for similar stuff?
Generation Why? is pretty good.
It depends. Lore is kind of in its own niche in its presentation of the subject matter. A year and a half ago, it was fucking fresh and the content was always spot on and fascinating. Now, with his fucking book, TV show, Patreon episodes, and tour, I'm starting to think he's running out of stories to tell. Unfortunately, it's the only podcast of its kind. Just be aware that it's a show and that the information you're getting is just urban legend blogs/Coast to Coast AM tier shit wrapped up in a nice package and sent to you bi-weekly.
A podcast isn't Sup Forums unless it's actually about movies.
Dahmer is really one of the most pitiable of all serial killers, though. Someone with severe mental illness and parents who completely ignored him and let him get into crippling alcoholism before he even turned 18, with a nice heaping dose of repressed sexuality and shame
btw I fucking lost it when marcus said he'd be running that fuckin chocolate factory and henry depicted him as willy wonka with a philipino boy sucking on his balls
cool thanks I'll check it out, I do like the presentation of lore and you're right on the rest
I hope his TV show flops and that nobody buys his book. I miss a good horror anthology show like Tales From The Crypt. The Lore show is definitely not going to be anything like that. I'm just surprised there aren't more people talking about how shitty his research is.
i staretd a lot of episodes but haven't amde it through one yet? which is the ultimate conspiracykino? they always start interesting but then the guys won't stop laughing at their own jokes and i get bored of them doing voices before the case is even laid out on the table.
which eps are best which are most informative?
Agreed. The hosts also always seem to be out of breath because they need to constantly keeping fitting jokes in.
I saw these guys live without even knowing who they were beforehand in March. My buddy asked me if I wanted to go to a show and I thought he meant a concert then it was just these three goofs sitting on stage talking about fucking little boys in the ads and dimembering bodies. It was a weird night.
i wish they talked less about serial killers and more about crazy alien conspiracies. i find those to be the most fun.
maybe it's just me but i really don't find serial killers interesting at all.
Which episode is that?
I'm kinda on a similar boat, I wish there were more ghost story/haunted house type episodes. I like Creepypasta and listener episodes, idk I'd just rather listen to some short spoons instead of an infodump
Are there any podcasts out there that aren't run by faggots?
I listen to podcasts to try to relax but I can't relax when I'm sperging because the internet-radio man is wrong.
Hardcore History my man. The dude even cites his sources as he quotes them so you know he's not bullshitting you.
Same here. I like the serial killer stuff when there's some actual creepiness to it like Albert Fish, but not when it's just straight up true crime stuff. The alien and urban legend stuff is the best. I also hate how everything is a multiparter now. Most of them wouldn't be 3 or 4 parts if Henry would stop doing shitty voices for 5 fucking minutes.
>Henry would stop doing shitty voices for 5 fucking minutes.
Literally makes me want to stop listening sometimes
Dan the man provides sources, but 9/10 the sources are extremely out of date, especially when it comes to ancient history. He was using a book written almost 100 years ago as a main source for the story of the Persian Empire, and espouses antiquated theories
Whenever that happens Marcus keeps remind us all the fucking time that "he is a horrible person! A garbage human being!".
Nigga H.H. Holmes and Gein were fucking great.
Still the funniest episode
They need to do another one