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Me first.
I am sensing a pattern already
why is she so sexy in that?
Not really. That's the only one I have, because I don't obsess over shit I hate like you do. I just ignore it, just like I'm ignoring this thread.
that's pretty good though, it makes Cara look like she actually has hips
>from a trailer
Step up senpai
For fuck sake
>from a camrip
Can't see shit
youre doing such a great job
teach me?
did seagal animate himself?
What early 2000s PC game is this?
Like what were they thinking with this bruh?
People actually think this looks good.
cap's shield is consistently looking like absolute dogshit
do they not even bother getting a prop anymore?
I didn't realize he changed his face until he started to morph
Like if you want to showcase your character having shapeshifting powers, maybe have him look a little more different than his normal face but a little older
Foodfight! is a plethora of bad cgi
what the everloving fuck is this
her mouth is too low
for the 1st 0.5 second it seems ok then everything feels "off"
Just like Wonder Woman
it looks like they used the Frostbite engine... like a tech demo from DICE.
This doesn't look bad
She seems mildly concerned
I can never get over how stupid the head snap is
Don't start what you can't finish, OP.
Anybody have the webm of the thing and the tank exploding from this shitfest?
What the fuck is with these movies and the retarded zoom ins?
Batman vs Superman has the same thing, jesus.
What's this from?
>post the rope swing
Whiplash deleted scene
F4ntastic 4
Isn't this a kid movie or some shit?
its really not that bad. just uncanny
no it didnt
It's from a Chinese TV show called Ice Fantasy.
This actually looks fucking hilarious. I want to watch it.
This is literally, less ridiculous than the film...
She's swinging her hips like she's got geisha balls in her vagina.
It's fine until she tries to smile.
They all look so white
what the fuck
I can't fap to this.
The worst part of this, which is saying something, is that cut to Orlando Bloom looking down concentrating
I feel like using this one is just cheating. Christ, I hate Peter Jackson.
Yeah it's bad
I needs more examples of bad cgi from big budge cap shit
>legolas, the elf that can change his mass at will
did they use her corpse for this scene?
Is this from the finished movie???
>would work just fine with a couple of steps and a knife takedown
>they made it 10 cuts, 10 steps, and somehow Leoglas using his "weight" to bring the idiot down.
It's not even the mass that's the problem
The problem is that he'd fall at the same rate as the rocks
So he'd never catch up to them enough to push off
Hack Snyder
Last one.
Sadly, it is
WoW cinematics unironically looks better than this
still looks rad as fuck though
How in the everflying fuck did that even make it past the concept Phase
>implocka flocka plying the books don't have the scene in fellowship where they are in the mountains and after there's an avalanche Legolas goes ahead to scout and it's specifically described how he seems light as a feather AND HIS FEET DON'T LEAVE FOOTPRINTS ON THE SNOW
So the power...of the PS2
How the fuck do you go from Lord of the Rings, made with miniatures and camera tricks and love and care, to this absolute horseshit? How do you physically not realise how badly you are fucking it up?
Someone have that webm of Legolas on the flying bat from the extended edition?
It is the future m8
borderline experimental/10
your post basically sums up all 3 Hobbit movies
>hey let's emulate the LotR movies
>let's use a book that is a fraction of the length of the other 3 books
>lets make it in 1/3 of the time
yeah sounds great, everything should be fine
was pretty decent until she looked right at the camera and talked.
What am I looking at, senpai?
Jesus fucking wept
I can forgive Peter since he made one of the greatest trilogies in American cinema. Yeah, the Hobbit films were shlocky flicks, at least they weren't prequels-tier horrible.
I don't literally hate a director for a bad film.
What Halo 2 Anniversary cutscene is this from?
oh bullshit
I refuse to believe the cuts in this are unedited
it made me so mad they just shoehorned this gay elf superman out of nowhere
legolas was barely mentioned in the book and had no role at all. But now hes like some gary stu who doesnt even mess up his makeup after a fight with orcs twice his size
Wow, the cgi these days are absolute shit.
jesus, is this stuff of the extended cut?
>. Christ, I hate Peter Jackson.
I don't think you're the only one anymore
this might be the most retarded thing I've ever seen
uncanny valley as fuck
how did the troll choke and die that fast
Because Peter came in late and had to hobble together a fucking mess and you should honestly give this poor bastard a medal for finishing it in a six month time frame at all.
It's real bro.