Thoughts on her body of work?

Thoughts on her body of work?


She's no Gal Gadot

She just does capeshit and that one nude scene in Oldboy.

Very unimpressive body of work

I'd love her to turn me to shrink me down, and turn me into stone with her eyes. Then She'd keep me on her shelf as part of her collection

Nepotism at work.

From who?

Thank FUCK for that.

What is wrong with her faaaaaaaaaaaaaccceeeeeeeee?

Overrated, with grandma tits

>It's a literal 3s and 4s commenting on the looks of an 8-10 woman they'd never have a shot with episode.

Oh look, a white wizard is here to the rescue!

Not really. Just pointing out how you guys find every flaw in women as a mask for your inadequacies with them.


i'm a fan

It's called shitposting. Why so serious?

Her billionaire sisters, for starters, hateful skillet-faced cunt.

I've done some nasty things for lizzie



If you want to talk more about Lizzie's work on kik add me anons: Anon9126


she had to have known

How embarrassing.