>be Martin Shkreli >start two billion dollar pharmaceutical companies >buy a drug for $55 million that treats toxoplasmosis >change price from $13 to $750 per earn a profit and fund research into a better drug >provide drug for free for those who can't afford it >fag media picks up your story >"price of medication for HIV ∞% due to evil greedy capitalist"
Why do we tolerate emotional appeal in media? It's despicable
it's not even those who can't afford it. only insurance companies were paying those insane prices. people without insurance were getting it basically for free and people with insurance were usually paying a copay of less than 10 dollars for each refill of their prescription.
shkreli's pharma companies were using this revenue to fund research and development to compete with (((big pharma))), which is why the media tried to destroy him.
Isaiah Hill
Its a shame he looks and comes off as a jackass in those early interviews because now people hate him for no reason. I kind of fell for (((Shkreli))) because now he lives like a NEET even though he's rich
Joseph Ramirez
is Shkreli a jew name?
Connor Perry
no, albanian
he's a troll
Adam Reed
Exactly. The media wasn't upset with him for costing cancer patients money, they were upset that he was costing insurance companies money and they needed a way to trick the proles into caring.
Bentley Williams
Jack King
that fucking video LMAO
>Be labeled as an entitled white man >Other whites don't think your white cause Albo
Such as life as an Albanian.
Michael Garcia
>tfw my liberal friends can't grasp why I am only upset that he bought the Wu tang album and not his drug purchasing controversy because I actually have a knowledgeable grasp on economics and understand in-elasticity.
Jeremiah Hill
My friend said he played League with him once and he sucked ass but was pretty cool to talk to.