Billions of people died in this sequence. Did you feel any emotion at all during it?

Billions of people died in this sequence. Did you feel any emotion at all during it?

Nobody cared when alderaan blew up either faggot

At least in ANH the characters did. In this it was "gotta move onto the next scene with no time to process any of this because Star Wars is now Marvel"

I felt pretty triggered since nothing in that scene made any sense.

I did

But only because I thought it was Coruscant

>RLM thought this shitpile was better than Rogue One


I was too busy enjoying the movie. Sorry.


lol do you love eating any dog shit with star wars plastered on it?

Rogue One was horseshit, it's not hard for something to be better than it.

Yeah, I felt the sudden urge to buy Disney stock.

Those planets represented everything Luke, Leia, Han and the others fought for over the course of three films. Disney hardly addressed them and wiped them out without a second thought.

No I don't like the 3D cartoons.

No and it was even worse afterward when they somehow saw these planets super far away as if they're in the same system or something

Like nigga those lasers would have had to been unfathomably bright and large

Overall it wasn't a bad flick but would have been better it they didn't just rehash New hope. At least have the rebels just temporarily disable the weapon or something. "There's always a way to blow these up!" Then just shooting some stuff with x-wings was an unsatisfying end for something like that.

The tonal disonance in TFA was my biggest problem.

That scene, and Finn's personality switch, fucking ruined the movie more than any of Rey's Mary Sue bullshit.

All of those Stormtroopers that Finn (often gleefully) shot down are basically child soldiers. It's fucked up.

The movie should have been about liberating a Stormtrooper reeducation camp, not destroying Death Star 2.0.

Death Star 3.0 was biggerer, so my emotions were biggerer

Buthow can it be star-wars without X WINGS and DEATH STARS and XWINGS ON DEATHSTARS and desert planets and AT-AT'S and the MILLENNIUM FALCON and a DROID with secret plans

Are ayys people too

Leia lost her father in that explosion.


I thought it was just a planet and its moons, but apparently it's an entire fucking solar system? what the fuck kind of scale is that?

Wrong, she lost her father when he started to attack obi-wan and padme

Normies don't understand the scale of outer space so they slipped that in for narrative reasons

>convert an entire planet into a weapon
>it can only be fired twice
so are the first order complete idiots, or...

I see only a few billions of pixels died

>at least two more sequels left
>still have time to have like 8 more Death Stars get blowed up
The next one should be the size of a galaxy, and have access to a time machine, and whenever it's not on screen, everyone should ask "Where's Death Star?"

There was peace in the galaxy for 30 years, thanks to Luke and the crew, not bad really. In a galaxy that large, with that much technology, would it make sense if it was going to be peace forever after?

>how do we up the ante of a threat that could destroy one planet
>have it blow up multiple planets
Bravo JJ

No, just the writers

Did they really have to make Leia in charge of a resistance force again even though the Republic is arguably fucking huge, and could wipe out the First Order with little to no difficulty? Were they that incapable of telling a new story?

Fuck TFA sucked.

I have empathetic connections to humans, not planets.

This actually pissed me off because it felt really unnecessary and excessive. It's a blantant anti-prequel anti-George move, destroy his shit so they can set up their own and have full creative and legal control over it.

The audience wasn't meant to feel anything for Alderaan itself, they were meant to sympathize with Leia losing her homeworld. No TFA characters had any connection to the destroyed worlds.

Everything about the First Order was wrong. Somehow they manage to be as serious of a force as The Empire (arguably more so) after thirty years of declining resources, internal conflicts, and New Republic expansion. Even if they devoted all of their efforts towards the building of the Death Star 3.0, it's still difficult to believe they built something that massive in so little time.

I don't expect peace forever. But I would have liked a little backstory on what happened between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. Honestly, it feels like the former film didn't even happen. Addressing it later seems unlikely and don't tell me to go to the books. That kind of stuff should be in the actual movies. And what did we get in its place? A inferior rehash of A New Hope.

It was pretty bad when you think about it. What were these planets? Was there any mention of what they were called or who was living on them? How can there be any emotion involved when you don't give any information. They might as well have been destroying asteroids.

>peace for 30 years

Peace? Why is there a resistance instead of a formal army? Why is Luke MIA? Leia and Han broke up, their son is a sith wanna-be, the First Order is openly attacking planets etc.

>what the fuck kind of scale is that?
JJ cant into scale. Remember in into darkness where the enterprise gets ambushed outside of the klingon planet, and theyre dead in the water, and then a few scenes later they're tumbling into earth orbit?

entire movie had terrible pacing

I just felt mild confusion. I though "how did the beam split like that at the last second?" and "is that planet Croissant?"

space niggers are not people

good riddance I say


Sounds like your soul is being weighed down by gravity

When does the next trailer for episode 8 come out?

they should have included a POV shot from the the surface of the planet, and burning skeletons

They cut most of the second act because they weren't satisfied with Orangie McButtholeeyes. Unfortunately maz was integral to some plot points they couldn't cut so they were stuck. You see it was stylistically designed to be that way, and they tried to diminish the effects.

What else was supposed to be in the movie?

although the scale was proper fucked in that movie, it wasn't THAT fucked. they fixed the engines and warped back to earth in an incredibly short amount of time

I'm still triggered by how much of a free pass they gave this, especially when it does the exact same shit as the prequel trilogy, and worse.

And the shitty Plinkett review, half of which manages to go on about the prequel trilogy still and talk about some stupid fanboy ass-ring theory nobody has ever heard of much less give a shit about.

>Yoda was 900 years old
>yeah well in MY star wars movie there's a wise old alien that's thousands of years old!

That really was my big sticking point. It was just "keep moving keep moving keep moving" with no time to breathe. The comparison to Marvel movies is apt.

theyre both trash but rogue one was unwatchable

>Orangie McButtholeeyes
At first I thought you were implying TFA was bad because Disney hated Trump.

>First Order is supposed to be the decayed remnants of the Empire
>all their equipment is brand new
>their TIE fighters are even more well equipped than the Empire's despite the point of TIEs being that were barebones for added speed an maneuverability while being cheap to mass produce
>fighting like they're a proper army when they could've been space themed terrorists
>able to make a biggerer and bettererer Death Star than than the Empire without anyone noticing
>Republic just sort of lets this happen because "Lol bureaucracy" proving once again that Palpatine was right about the Republic being useless

How did a laser split into 4 different beams?

What do you expect from someone who dresses like this?

Ugh, what a nerd, just turn your brain off bro.

What bugs me most about that is why the fuck no one did screen tests before principal photography to make sure they werent going to enbarass themselves.

That's actually a pretty good premise. They could have even epic-ified it (like it's a whole planet of stormtroopers and kids in training or something) and it still would've been way better than another death star

>plebs can't appreciate empirekino


>tfw you can't play dominoes with your papi anymore


How were the planets as close to each other as the Earth is to the Moon?

How were people in another star system able to see it in real time? The beam itself may have traveled through hyperspace, but the light from the explosion sure didn't.

>new republic
I laughed at all the female leaders getting annihilated by the might and ingenuity of the evil white men. Star Wars IX ends with Rey sucking Kylo's dick, and you heard it here first

Everyone just waited outside orange Yoda's 1500s style diner for 700 years.

>liberating a Stormtrooper reeducation camp
How is it a "re-education" camp if its the only education stormtroopers ever receive?

>Rey sucking Kylo's dick
I wouldn't let my dick anywhere near that xenomorph's chompers.

Leia and Obi Wan cared, so we cared.

The jalapeno poppers at space applebees are the bomb!

Abrams. He's an air-head.

It actually hurt my brain a little bit.

Once you realize that RLM isn't the end-all be-all movie website and that they watch movies with pre-conceived notions and expectations that may not match yours, you won't care at all.

All they care about in what they call movies for children is character interaction and light-hearted dumb 'fun', so they'll think a movie is good if it has one or two scenes like the one where BB-8 gives the black dude an ok sign with his soldering iron or some shit like that.

Democracy is a meme, Caesar, Augustus, Napoleon, Vader and Sheev understood this.

That's not her father. It's her adoptive guardian.

I felt sad when they played the generic sappy sad tune

I'd enjoy the risk.

I was just confused about what exactly was happening, why were a bunch of planets right next to each other and how did everyone immediately know what happened just from looking upwards


How do you see a "superluminal weapon" coming?

This is the patrician way to approach such movies. Expecting franchise blockbusters in current year to be anything else is autism.

>Galactic Empire
>inspired by the Roman Republic/Empire, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, the British Empire and the USA

>First Order

i seriously can't believe they literally just made a deathstar but bigger
i can't think of anything more creatively bankrupt

>At least in ANH the characters did.
No they didn't. Leia reacts more like someone who just missed a bus than someone who just lost their friends, family and everyone they ever knew.

Minutes later she's wisecracking jokes with Han and Luke and completely forgets it ever happened. It has no lasting impact whatsoever.

Dat saliva, needs a ball gag shoop ASAP

>Rogue One writer on Twitter
>"there's a reason the First Order is the group of white dudes while the rebels are diverse ;)"

To be fair, those minutes happened days, if not a week later.

It's not about expecting quality, though. They simply want the movies to follow one single perfect "fun for the whole family" formula and if the movie deviates from that a little they complain, ex. Mike complaining there isn't romance in Rogue One etc. Rogue One was trash, but 'not having a romance' isn't one of its problems.

I remember feeling annoyed at how stupid a concept Starkiller Base was, and how JJ still can't into interstellar scale.

Star Wars gives really mixed messages on democracy. They keep saying it's good but whenever they show it it's always senators bitching at eachother. Even in Rogue One a dozen people in a room couldn't agree on anything. The New Republic couldn't even stop the Empire from still existing in the outer rim and fucking their shit so bad one of their senators had to make a rebel army in secret to do the government's fighting for them.

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic

As if you would include a remotely death star-like weapon at all, hell it was lazy when RotJ did it. You could have bio or chemical weapons, fleets of ships blasting a planet to shit, fucking vore machines that eat planets and strip them of all resources, do ANYTHING else, but no, get out the giant space lazer from the first movie, god forbid we do anything different in a starwars movie. Fuck the whole franchise honestly.

>Han Solo dies
>nobody gives a shit

Kylo Ren was p. cool but the rest of the movie was pretty average

How the fuck did it split into 4 after going through sub-hyperspace, whatever the hell that means.

>First Order is the group of white dudes
>Finn and a bunch of background characters are black
How bad are your diversity quotas when you can't even make an organisation you call white supremacist be all white?

Ford gave the least fucks of all.

Remember how the Klingons somehow didn't notice a Federation setting up shop near their own goddamn homeworld? Or how Old Spock in the first movie watched Vulcan die from apparently the moon or some shit? And then how Kirk and crew unleashed a black hole and detonated a warp core right next to fucking Saturn?

Patience, the backstory is coming. Remember, we have years and years to come of Star Wars movies.

Wasn't one of the officers in the Death Star 3 control room a colored girl?

defying all logic that picture is kind of cool