Fuck millennials. You are a toxic waste pile of shit. Some of you are okay I guess.
Fuck millennials. You are a toxic waste pile of shit. Some of you are okay I guess
Carson Butler
Thomas Lewis
WE know we're fucked
Colton Ramirez
WUZ it meant to be like this
Jack Hughes
>says the gen X scum who raised them
Inb4 no we didn't raise you
You literally did and all that deny it are gen X cunts in denial
Aiden Adams
I was born in 1998 and all of my friends are voting for Trump.
I think we'll be alright.
Isaiah Reed
>millennials browsing Sup Forums
wew lad
Ryder Howard
>Some of you are okay I guess.
W-Where should I not be going to?
Ayden Gomez
i know
Jaxson Sullivan
She wants a job but supports open borders I bet.
Matthew Sanders
>insult the whole group
>then say some are ok