How can these season 1 eps be ranked so low?

How can these season 1 eps be ranked so low?

Apparently people only care about le epic explosions and shocking plot-twists. Every ep of S1 is better than "Face Off". It's pound-for-pound the best season of BB.

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it was finding its footing in season 1, vince even planned to kill off jessie but he was such a hit that they couldn't do that

What's your point?

let him find his footing

In s1 Vince didn't cater to reddit yet

This. The reddit crowd came abord around s3. Personally I think it all went downhill after the S4 finale.

First ep is a bit of a drag, but other than that, yeah S1 is pretty good. Not the best season though, S5 is the best.

No one watched season 1 until it was over

Season 1 and 2 are definitely the best seasons, everything after just took a nosedive. The basement episodes with Walt having Krazy 8 trapped in the basement and his whole dilemna of killing him was prob the best part of the whole series. When Walt put the pieces together when he found the broken plate in the trash can, that was pure kino.

>the reddit crowd came around s3

no they came around the end of s4 when people were buzzing about the finale and they all binge watched it and overnight became teh biggest most epic brba fans evar and then s5 got greenlight because money and thats when the ultra normies started joining in

No one watched it when it was airing and way before it got popular, didn't really pick up footing until like s3 or s4

>S5 is the best
pleb detected

t. triggered normie who came around s3


>S5 isn't the best
Contrarian detected

>No one watched it when it was airing and way before it got popular, didn't really pick up footing until like s3 or s4

OP here, that has nothing to do with how good it is or how people rate it. Also I did watch it from the beginning lol

Breaking Bad was always a very competent show, it was never the reddit-nonstop explosions extravaganza that Sup Forums often pretends it is to make some patrician-plebeian point.
I'd say the Jimmy-focused aspects of Better Call Saul are superior to Breaking Bad in terms of character-focus, but both are very well done.
The hamfisted Breaking Bad references in Better Call Saul are jarring and the weakest part of the show though.

>I'd say the Jimmy-focused aspects of Better Call Saul are superior to Breaking Bad

First two seasons were dark comedy tier. Absolutely loved it.

>S5 is the best.
What makes S5 better than S4? I remember how dissapointing i was after seeing S5 aka "the most epic season in tv xd". S4 was better in every way.

>I'd say the Jimmy-focused aspects of Better Call Saul are superior to Breaking Bad in terms of character-focus

character focus where nothing happens

S5 should never have even existed. The show should have ended with Walt killing Gus.

first half of s4 is shite

In all honesty though, Season 2 was easily the best season.

>S5 should never have even existed. The show should have ended with Walt killing Gus.

The only memorable things about S5 were the Meth damo, train episode and that one were hanks dies.

>Implying that he is wrong.

While I don't agree with the guy, they did shoot themselves in the foot by creating this big Gus vs. Walt arc in s3 and 4 and ending it with a blow at the end of s4 wrapping everything neatly up that happened to this point. S5 felt like an afterthought.

S5 felt like an afterthought.

Yeah, would have been really satisfactory to just have Walt destroy Gus' operation and have no conclusion to the fact that Walt had no idea how to run an operation of his own.

I'm not saying that there shouldn't have been a 5th season, just that it felt out of place compared to the overarching narrative from s1-s4, like an addendum to wrap up all the remaining threads.

no it didn't, you seem autistic friend

it was supposed to end at s4 but it blew up in popularity so amc payed vince a truck load to make a new season and then stretched it over 2 years

>will this be on the murder?

Complete bullshit, stop talking out your ass

It's the same with GoT. The first season was easily the best, then at some point it explodes in popularity, normies and Redditors start raving about it, and even the critics lose their minds and say it's the best thing since sliced bread to follow popular opinion.

>implying GOT hasn't always been normiecore IMDbcore plebbit shite