Is this a threat?

is this a threat?

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No. Also my last 4 digits add up to 12.

you're a special kind of dumb

>You son of a bitch

This is what the 2nd amendment is for lads.

Revolt against the government.

New meme.jpg

Also my last 4 digits add up to 12

>bernouts quoting kennedy
okay i'm triggered

>our "peaceful revolution" failed
>therefore the system made it impossible and must be violently toppled



12 get

Why would anyone feel threatened by a Bernie cuck?

>to protest Hillary we are going to let black men fuck our wives

okay. it was cool one time. it sucks now.

My last two digits add up to 18

Also my last 4 digits add up to 12 btw.


Ever heard a Kennedy speech?

literally 0. you suck.

But you still got dubs

>Know you know why democrats want to ban the guns

Very nice digits my friend

>dubs mean it must be true
>but dubs don't add up

Also my last 4 digits add up to 12.

Yes. He'd be a Republican in this day and age or at the very least right-leaning.

Also my last 4 digits add up to 12

>tfw his last 4 digits add up to 12 but he didn't call it

yfw ml2d aut 9

Nice math

thread theme:

why do they pretend, as if they'd do anything violent, much less a revolution. This revolution would last until the first cop shot the first bullet

>using trip codes
go fuck yourself kiddo

Trip code? He doesn't have a tripcode, retard

digits 12 meme or die

Who knew I would have chosen death?

>implying anyone who would vote for Sanders knows how to shoot a gun

What are a bunch of no-guns anemic faggots going to do?

God I hope so

I would give anything to watch those pathetic faggots try a violent revolt

>nu male Cuck's trying to revolt

Good luck with that

No muscles, no balls, no guns.

>bern victims
>quoting the pro-2A democrat
This actually pisses me the fuck off

Yes. Also my last 4 digits add up to 14

>Yes. He'd be a Republican in this day and age or at the very least right-leaning.

Doesn't sound right leaning.