Ok, I'm a shitty writer, but I had an assignment to write a comedy short film. So here it is.

Please give it a read, and tear it to pieces. It has shitty jokes and virtually no talent behind it, but it might get shot in a couple of weeks, if I make it good enough.

Thanks transvesties

got damn those titties

she's more plastic than woman now

Them lips tho


>not liking plastic bimbos

Totally unpatrician


I guess I fucked up with the OP pic.

she has a square ass now

don't test me

i liked the single roll of bills and trying not to offend the cheese jokes, but i feel like you could do with a few more jokes like that to really nail that 'silly' sort of mood, maybe make linguini and stefano more buffoonish, or have a little slapstick in there, like the cheese dealer struggling to get out of his car seat or something
good luck OP

hello is this the olympics waifu thread ;D

what a shitty body

Who's the girl on the left with the tits?


ummm i dk

also you could have a bit of silliness in the restaurant scenes, like have the guy eating the food smack his lips really loudly, or nearly choke, or just eat really weirdly

Thanks for reading it my dude.

I will give that a try. Does the Vanesa Carlton thing comes across as too forced?

not this fucking faggot again

what do you mean by this?

>Vanesa Carlton
i have no idea who that is

Is a closseted faggots thing, they like bimbos one day, the next they fap to trans bimbofication

A singer, from making my way downton song