

Two words lad. VOTING BLOC.

People aren't people, they are statistics

Why do these people make no attempt to even try and speak english properly? This girl will never become a lawyer

>know her parents are illegals
>let's not enforce the law or anything and throw them the fuck out

God I fucking hate mestizo mexican illegal beaners, I really do.

They always ruin the term "Hispanic" for other hispanics who value their citizenship and speak english

I hope sends her back to mexico with a fucking catapult

>Two words
No toilets

Two words

Poo in loo

>bringing out admitted criminals
>Not arresting them
>Greeted with applause

i'll take anchor baby for 200 alex

not panering, HISpandering.

Why would they throw out Democratic voters?

wee lad

My pander box was so full of pander today, I don't think I'll shit right for a week.


the democratic party basically embodies feminism at this point. "NO HUMAN CAN BE ILLEGAL" just give me a fucking break

Not going to be many after her when we change the law. Little fucker got lucky.

and? fucking throw them out and leave her on the street. if she's as smart as the DNC claims, she will make it.

Birthright citizenship I meant.

Jajaja blanquito, escuche que cuando Hillary gane me van a dejar entrar a tu país sin permiso y me van a dar dinero por ello para comprar cerveza y cigarros


toilets missings watyou bullies me please dont be hatefool am indians

it would be great if the next time they picked latinos that actually knew how to speak spanish instead of destroying for a few votes

i couldn't tell if this was a political convention for the united states or mexico

>My parents are illegal so the nation should pander to them and not put citizens first

Fuck illegals. They should get half the benefits that they do, and give those benefits to citizens. My conscious would feel much better knowing that I'm paying for poor americans and not pablo and his 6 kids trying to get a free ride.

It's so fucked that I almost believe none citizens get better benefits with more priority over citizens. Illegals should be at the back of lists.

>bringing out admitted liars who profited off the death of 4 Americans
>Not booing them
>Greeting them with Standing Ovations

GOP is just as guilty

The stand down order was found not to exist in 16 different investigations. Yet those guys who made 13 hours based their entire book and movie deal off the climax of that moment that didn't exist.

They lied about the death of 4 Americans, encouraged the spending of millions of dollars more than even the JFK investigation spent in today's dollars, and then profited off of that.

Isn't this literally against the law? To aid an illegal alien like this?

Don't speak taco here, english is expected. It's like you people want to be catapulted over the 100 ft wall.

>they're illegal immigrants
>not arrested upon leaving stage
Do they literally just ignore the laws? Like.. they're fucking illegal.

hurr durr

>DNC for Hillary
>expecting things like laws to be enforced
das rayciss

Gross how they were flagrantly flaunting this around. The whole first night made me sick, I'm not sure how they'll manage to top it the next few days but I'm sure they will.

The exploitation of that girl in the wheelchair with the short video before it was just as bad.

Good thing she is too young to vote and her parents can't vote

Democrats want illegal immigrants to gain citizenship so they'll get 10x more voters. It's a genius plan


The girl is a US citizen and I'm pretty sure the obama administration is really lenient towards those with children who are american citizens

Have you not been paying attention to all the scandals surrounding Clinton? This is a post-legal society.

Why didn't ICE bust through the fucking windows and arrest her parents? Is it okay now to publicly announce you are undocumented and one of our majority political parties will give you a platform to talk about how hard your life is?

>"american citizen"
>parents are illegal

then youre not a fucking american citizen, youre a mexican citizen. If me and my wife flew over to Italy and she popped a baby out in Rome that doesn't make the baby an Italian citizen, it's a fucking American

The girl is a citizen, let's make sure the new ones aren't. Can't make ex post facto laws. But we can sure change it so anchor babies aren't a thing anymore. Which we should do.

Two words. Taco bowl

>bringing out admitted criminals
For God sakes what do you expect from these people. They plan to elect an admitted criminal to the white house!

They think it's genius. Those fuckers notoriuosly don't vote.

>literally admit to breaking the law on national tv

only in this backward ass fucked up country could some spics go on tv and flaunt the fact they're here illegally. it's like a big middle finger to every hispanic that is trying to get their citizenship legally and to every other law-abiding citizen.

i'm triggered bros.

Here's a thought. Imagining sneaking into a country illegally, a country where you're not welcome because other people just like you have been actively destroying it. Then imagine going on national television and admitting all of your crimes and crying about the possibility that you might get sent back to your country of origin, a country where you'll probably lead a much happier life anyway.

Can you imagine ever doing this?

Streets aren't streets, they are toilets

I still love you, burger.

You sound like a butthurt señora trying to argue.

Can't do anything about her in particular but we can sure change it for the ones after. As soon as the law passes anchor babies won't be a thing anymore.

Honestly this is an important election for republicans. Hispanics are growing in numbers, and there's no sign of stopping. Most of these people will inevitably be democrat, and this will, if unstopped, eventually turn Texas blue and Florida permanently blue.

Meanwhile White Americans are basically stagnant in growth. If this country was 100% white, or even if you just removed Hispanics and kept blacks and Asians, the Democrats would lose every election.

You realize you're the India of America?

Go eat a pigeon, indio


>People aren't loo's, they are poo's
for once I agree with you india.

>then youre not a fucking american citizen, youre a mexican citizen. If me and my wife flew over to Italy and she popped a baby out in Rome that doesn't make the baby an Italian citizen, it's a fucking American
I hope you're just pretending to be stupid and actually know the difference between jus soli and jus sanguinis. What makes someone an American should have been beaten into your head at school.

I like how they tried to doll her up and she's still ugly as sin

I mean holy shit.

>american education

>Oh man, pandering
>I'm a lesbian
>I'm mexican

>Okay, pandering to shit groups but whatever
>Hi I'm retarded
>Hi I'm illegal
>Hi I'm also illegal

>Oh man, how do they top minorities and disabled people?
>Huh ahm uh mahnority an dishable


The white virtue signally emotions crowd will eat it up though

That´s not true.

In a day or two they're going to have a dozen or so mothers of slain Dindus on stage, including the mother of Michael Brown.

You mean the GOP Trump just eviscerated?

Poor people have low IQs, so no they don't think about that at all.

This is trending on facestein.

Even the top comments on the left wing pages are pissed: Her mother should have been arrested the minute she got on that stage. Any police officer's providing service to the DNC who did not do their duty should be immediately fired.
Unlike · Reply · 284 · 2 hrs

I am all about immigrant rights and for fairness in the immigration movement but shame on the DNC and HRC for using this child to gain votes. It's exploitation in its purest form. #notsurprised
Like · Reply · 206 · 2 hrs

>MFW the normies have had enough.


It's just so insane

so you want jamal who doesn't work to get free money instead of pedro to have the right to live here so he can decrease your cost of living?

does anyone have the guy who said he was literally retarded

It's pretty simple user.

The guys who made 13 hours spoke at the RNC, and got standing ovations. Same sized speaking spot.

They profited by selling their book and movie rights to a story that was entirely a fabrication. That story became the basis for those 16 investigations that cost millions and millions of public funds. They lied. They lied according to million dollar facts by the republicans. And they lied about the death of 4 Americans, and then profited.

ebin maems

it comes down to a fundamental problem most western nations have and that's that they cannot seem to define exactly what makes a citizen at citizen.

ie what exactly is a "frenchman" in 2016? Is it defined by race? Can't be, there's obvious problems with that, but what dirt you were shat out on also doesn't make much sense. We can't really decided what defines us.

Europe loves "refugees".

Let's give our illegal immigrants to Europe! Perfect solution for all parties.

Having parents who are illegal immigrants does not give you the moral high ground to speak about immigration. Being an illegal immigrant does not give you the moral high ground to speak about immigration.

Really, because they were at his convention just fine. And he stood up there and talked about Benghazi with the rest of them.

I legitimately lost my shit when I saw them giving a standing ovation to an illegal immigrant who spend 10 years getting a college degree on the taxpayer dime

The Republicans had their own Hispanic Conservatives on stage. That pandering didn't bother you at all I bet.

Who is the India of America then?

when was the last time you posted in a thread with nobody saying poo in loo?

Stop embarrassing us


They were all at least documented or born here you fucking shill.

Any person born on US soil is an American citizen unless they decide to personally renounce that citizenship later in life.

>Hahahaha whitey, listen, when shillary wins she will let me into your country without permission and give me money to buy beer and cigarettes

Translation of e-coli shit stuffed burrito beaner language

>tfw Trump stops live tweeting and calls in a tip to INS

>Two words lad. POOP WITCHES.

Correct, pandering with people that aren't standing on stage and telling everyone they committed a crime bothers me much less than the opposite

ayyy lmao we literally are even when we need it

idk about the narrative that the media has spun to you so I'll give you my anecdote.

every mexican I've come across is scared to do ANYTHING that can be traced back to them, so they go to cheap ass clinics and receive extremely shitty medical treatment for a few dollars as opposed to going to a fancy hospital for nothing.

we're not living comfortably at home like welfare queens, if people use any help it's usually WIC and they only provide people with baby stuff for the first few months and then you get eggs and milk and other things that can be beneficial for growing toddlers. Stops at a certain age and that's that.

Mexican culture also does not glorify but punishes the lazy, they are the scum of the earth and that's why you see Jose standing by the side of the freeway trying to sell you oranges instead of holding up a cardboard sign asking you for money.

I know it's hard to see but honestly we envy citizens for all the benefits they get like proper healthcare, dental care, fair wages, etc. I was brought here when I was 7 and that's just what I've observed with my family and other illegal families around me so DO take it with a grain of salt but really that's just our experience.

The dems are milking us like cows for their votes and I fucking hate them for treating us like a ticket into the white house. The DNC just showed how you can push a left leaning person so far right when you see that they've completely skirted the actual issues of the corrupt political system and other issues within the country.

The poo speaks the truth.

Those Hispanics weren't criminals, you brain-dead piece of shit.

Very convenient how they always show women and children

It's like the most lowest hanging fruit

They might as well just drop the immigration issue altogether and try to label them as refugees, I think that's the best way to handle it

I couldn't care less desu, free replies that keep any thread afloat. Same thing when sliding, I can slide any thread I want.

In the US if the child is born in the US then the parents are basically unofficial legal citizens (They take the 14th amendment way out of context (It was meant for slaves only but mexicans took it out of context on purpose)) it's shit


Thanks, little brown girl. What a hero.

>so you want jamal who doesn't work to get free money instead of pedro to have the right to live here so he can decrease your cost of living?

My taxes are getting taken without my consent any way, so if I have a choice between a citizen and a none citizen, I'll always pick the citizen since it's out of my hands entirely. You could play semantics all you want you lazy fuck yet, once that money is gone, it isn't coming back. So I'd rather it get used on AMERICANS for AMERICA first and foremost.

Just get of jus soil already, it's a bunch of bs


>this meme again

Where did Rubio come from again?

why not herpandering shitlord

Dems don't give a fuck about laws when it benefits them. Hell, they don't give a fuck about these people, in any moral sense. They're just trying to play the long con, and flood the Southwestern states (which have typically been red) with Mexicans, so those states will eventually turn blue. They're trying to set up a scenario where there will never feasibly be a Republican president again. In light of that, they don't give two fucks about enforcing laws that could impede this.

>not getting the joke

For shame

I can smell your budweiser voice nig

Learn our own country laws

Yes. Ideally, i'd prefer neither happen, but I would rather subsidize an american citizen then let people enter the country illegally and be allowed to stay.