Stages of a Star Wars fan

Infant: All of the movies are great because they're Star Wars! I love Star Wars!

Child: Disney Star Wars is shit but everything by Lucas is good. It was his franchise after all.

Teenager: Okay, Episodes I and II are bad, but at least Episode III was good! I don't mind the special editions either; they made a few improvements I think!

Young adult: The prequels and special editions are travesties and only the original trilogy is good. V > IV > VI. Empire Strikes back is the best!

Mature adult: The only good Star Wars movie is Episode IV.

fucking dumb
i know that IV is the only good star wars film and i'm definitely not mature

Humans are often contradictory in nature.

Elder Adult: VI gets a bad rap. Focus less on the Ewoks and more the emotional back and forth between Luke and Vader.

>luke yelling in anger and slamming his lightsaber down on vader over and over whose unable to defend himself
>cats in the cradle starts playing

>Ignore stuff that makes the movie bad and it will seem better


Wait, what's wrong with Episode V?

The only good Star Wars movies are Star Wars(which I refuse to refer by a number or subtitle that was added later), Rouge One, and The Force Awakens.

There are no good star wars movies.

You forgot the last one: Actual Adult
>The original Star Wars film was a landmark event in the history of motion pictures, and it should be respected and celebrated for that. It is fun to watch and appreciate, but I have outgrown the "fandom" and all the subsequent childish material. Geek culture is a product of late stage capitalism mass infantilization. I acknowledge that I am no longer a child and my tastes have changed and matured. I seek things that challenge my viewpoints and make me a more intelligent and more well-rounded individual, and I no longer care about "canon" or "universes".

>Child: Disney Star Wars is shit but everything by Lucas is good. It was his franchise after all.

Disney didn't own star wars when I was a child you fucking faggot kiddo

More like

Child: Star Wars is fucking neato

Teenager: Star Wars is fucking neato I love Battlefront and KOTOR

Adult: Oh cool Disney bought Star Wars and were finally gonna get more movies!

Even more Adult: Rogue One was fucking cool and a director of 2 of my favorite films is directing episode 8 awesome! Oh yeah and the comics are awesome again!