Master of none

So season 3 will be them breaking up episode 1 and then Dev finally kills himself. Right?

GTFO normie

>Dev tries to marry her and tie her down
>she fucks off to enjoy her freedom
Poetic justice.

>you will never have a beautiful italian waifu

Shameful bump

Francesca > Rachel

Comfiest show of 2017.

>Had the same shit only with a married woman instead of just engaged
>Stop talking for years after a few years of hanging out
>Send her a text out of the blue, she told me she was pregnant
This season fucked me up

Damn bro

Last season with Rachel was an eerily similar situation for me. I even moved across the country after

>Send her a text out of the blue, she told me she was pregnant
It has completely regressed me back to just fucking any bitch I can just to get back at a person I don't even talk to anymore.

I'm too old for this shit but I can't catch a break.

Faggot show