I need help

I need help.

I come from Reddit. Please don't stop reading here - no, really. I really need your help and I am being 100% earnest right now. My sub was r/sandersforpresident but now I have nothing. I am at my lowest low and I cannot believe BS turned his back on his most dedicated supporters.

I want to know why this happened. I want to know everything. I want to know why Bernie endorsed Hillary. I want to know why people with brackets around their names don't like wikileaks. I want to know why questioning the holocaust can get you put in jail.

Please help.

Other urls found in this thread:


>australia forgot to get a proxy

The truth is that you never stood a chance.

Start by immunizing yourself against disinformation.

You'll recognize that plebbit pulled a lot of the same shit - easier with mods under control.

Then let your journey of self-discovery begin!

You are one of us now

youtube.com/watch?v=7dxsVSzL4HE - One Third of the Holocaust

youtube.com/watch?v=lwentslVpXw - What happens when you question the Holocaust

feeling the (((bern))) now eh mate?

Investigate 3/11

Dat flag tho