Admit how you TRULY feel about Inuyasha, Sup Forums
Admit how you TRULY feel about Inuyasha, Sup Forums
Unironically GOAT. Just rewatched it a month or so ago. Comfy levels are unmatched, even if the final act somewhat sucks.
Reminds of junior high, kinda comfy honestly.
Getsuga Tensho
It was goat, but after like 50 episodes, you realize they are never going to kill naraku. The show is just gonna go on and on
Also, his sword got some gay red glowing power.
kys my underage friend
you already made this thread you fuck
is there a movie coming
show grew on me after a while
it's a show for overweight teenage girls
it has too many episodes
it's not any good
why make a thread about this shit
dike show
Urusei Yatsura was better
There's like 4 of them m8, three suck, but one is really good.
Question for 20-year-olds of Sup Forums: did you grow up moreso with Millennial shows like "Inuyasha", "Samurai Jack", "Gundam Wing", "Yu Yu Hakusho", "Malcolm in the Middle", "Rocket Power", "The Weekenders", and "Recess"?
Or Gen Z shows like "Hannah Montana", "iCarly", "Chowder", "Total Drama Island", "Johnny Test", and "Flapjack'?
People have weebed out over worse
literally ten times better than any currently airing modern shonen
>you realize they are never going to kill naraku
>what is final act
a few episodes of Gundam wing, Recess, Inuyasha and Samurai Jack
I just rewatched it myself not too long ago, the quality in writing, animation/art and such drops when Naraku is nearly defeated and runs away to Mt Hakurei.
2 is the best desu
The first choices. Never even seen those shows in second category.
Always had a soft spot for this show, but as a guy (a fairly big guy) I felt to embarrassed to tell anyone I watched it. I thought the voice acting in the dub was top notch, really genuinely emotional. It just felt real from everyone. When Inuyasha was protective of the people he cared about, I felt it. When Sango expressed grief over her brother, I felt it. The only character that never expressed significant emotion was Sesshomaru, and he's supposed to be that way, and David Kaye did a great job voicing him.
Unforgettable. She was my first 2D woman.
Inuyasha, Gundam Wing, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rocket Power and Recess.
Age 25
Thanks gramps but i asked for 20 year olds
same, damn feeling real emotional right now.
so this is the power of anime girls...
20 year olds likely grew up with whatever was on tv between the ages of 5 and, let's say 14 (could be higher depending on how childish they are), so just look at whatever shows were new or still being shown regularly between 2002 and 2011.
>it's a "Miroku can't finish a fight instantly because there are bees nearby" episode
I want to fug Sesshomaru
>It's an "Inuyasha turns into his full demon form and goes apeshit because he's injured and doesn't have his sword" episode
Those were the best.
The former, although I didn't have good internet for a long time so I'd watch Flapjack, Total Drama Island, and chowder when I had nothing else to do
I watched it for the girls. I was in 5th grade. I watched it for other shit too I guess, but toonami in general had cute girls I would dream about. I wanted the MC to sex Kagome.
I'm guessing you're also 23
95, first group.
Thanks but I asked for 20 year olds not 22 year olds. Smh
Inuyasha had god tier ending outros
>tfw no kagome gf
>ending outros
Redundant, but true. I thought it was cool how they changed them every 20 episodes or so.
Was comfy to watch when you were spaced out from being on the internet for 16 hours and just needed to decompress and fall asleep. Usually liked the episodes that took place at night time but never really knew what was going on in the overarching plot because I watched it so infrequently and they mixed in a lot of filler episodes. Jacked off to it a few times. I do remember the few girls that were into anime at my schools were always into Inuyasha though. Kagome was also a cold cunt very often
Sango is the patrician waifu. THICC and strong.
I remember feeling mesmerized watching this show on Adult Swim as a kid. There was a scene where they were trying to revive the protagonist's old love interest, and they show her nude silhouette in a bed of coal. It's one of the few things that I can recall about it.
This may ring a bell. The show was more kino than I thought.
Old dude made some character development over the series. Truth be told, he probably had the most. It didn't really reflect his voice acting, but it didn't really need to.
He avoided it when he could. Something about his black hole swallowing him up over time.
Which old dude?
It's flooding back. She was made of dirt. Is this the power of claymation?
i fucking hated this inugaysha shit even as a kid. Rumiko Takahashi is a fucking hack
Sesshomaru. It was a big improvement since his starting character design was a little edgy for my tastes. I thought it was a nice touch giving him a sword that couldn't kill.
Iirc a witch resurrected her with a big clay mold that cracked open when she was complete.
comfy shit
relaxing late at night with inuyasha on the tube... good times
also even as a straight guy I had a weird sexual crush on Inuyasha.
I grew out of it though, haha.
So this chick was like, Kagome's great ancestor or some shit right?
Yeah, I guess they wanted to keep his edge in check so they gave him a little girl companion that he tolerated for no clear reason and the whole bit about him having the healing sword gave you some background on his father's beliefs and morals.
nah Kagome was her reincarnation or some shitnizz
They share the same soul, but by all appearances have different minds and memories.
Kagome was the reincarnation of Kikyo, not a descendant but close.
Man I'm 28 and I grew up with some of the shit in the first bracket. I was 12 when Samurai Jack first aired and 11 for Gundam Wing.
First tier I guess. But my sister loved Hannah Montana at the time so we used to watch it a lot together.