Hello I am a Yemen native and I appreciate very much European lifestyle. I want to move to Europe but not very many money at the moment with the crisis and tentions going on. How do I apply for refugee status? and which country should I go to? I would stay here but work is very hard to come by.
Im am a very big Bundesliga fan so I was thinking Germany, as well as I am a fan of German woman.
but I hear Netherlands has better benefits for refugees. I hear Sweden gives new refugees flats and benefits. England also is very optional.
If you are not fluent in German, you won't get work here. You might have to sleep in an overcrowded gym hall for a year to find that out. At the moment it takes that long to process new refugees.
Hunter Hill
If you're not religious and you're lightskinned / whiteish you're welcome here just work hard and love this country
Ryan Diaz
Nice b8
Chase Nelson
if new refugees cant speak German how do they work?
not too religious I was raised Sunni Shafi'i but i like american very much not many here in Sana'a
Oliver Collins
not everyone can work in the country their born in. its the draw of the luck
Aaron Lewis
Terrible he rode alone, With his yemen sword for aid; Ornament it carried none But the notches on the blade.
Levi Lopez
They don't. Of the over one million that came here since last year, exactly 51 have been able to find work. There are no jobs in farming, it's all done by machines. There are no jobs in factories, to operate the robots you need years of training. All simple jobs are done in China. For everything else you need to be able to understand complicated instructions given in German.
Josiah Thomas
Well you better get here before Trump gets elected. Doubt he's letting any sand niggas in after 2017. Don't mind the racism most of us aren't racist. Its mostly banter and satire
Camden Price
I'd recommend getting a disease and dying in your own country. But Sweden will take anyone at this point, and you'll get the most acceptance there.