BREAKING: Sam "the priest from the east" Hyde has been spotted as one of the gunmen behind the hostage situation in...

BREAKING: Sam "the priest from the east" Hyde has been spotted as one of the gunmen behind the hostage situation in Paris

Other urls found in this thread: we slap

This is the last time he will get away with this we slap

What's going on in paris?

Who is this guy and whats happening in Paris ?


a catholic church is under siege

Samahmed Al-Haidih with his team have taken hostages in a French church

They had no guns btw.
Just knives.
Assault weapons ban works.

He's from the UK

HOLY SHIT just realized this guy looks exactly like Sayim al'Hadid, the motherfucking butcher of Ramadi. Please tell me I'm crazy, pol.

Some say he's also the man known as Sam "The Sultan" Hyde who was behind the coup in Turkey
or even Sam "drive a lorry for glory" Hyde the man behind Nice

this cant be a coincidence

what superpowers does this guy even have

How does he keep getting away with it?

Assault rifle was modified to shoot knives.

He's the Antichrist.

actual, non-photoshopped version of the killer. Fucking media always white washing

this needs to spread!!
Samrone Hydemal needs to be stopped!!!

He can't keep getting away with it! This madman must be stopped!

Fresh Footage

sam has been working hard this year.