Michael Haneke


"All around us, the world, and we, in its midst, blind". A snapshot from the life of a bourgeois European family.

here it is

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stop it already and watch at least one movie

I will only stop once Europe's demographics irreversibly shift into a beautiful beige horizon

>Happy End is an upcoming film by Michael Haneke. It has been selected to compete for the Palme d'Or at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival.[2] A drama about a family set in Calais with the European refugee crisis as the backdrop.

>constantly makes films critiquing the comfort of western bourgeoisie, encourages white guilt while idealizing other ethnicities; His estimated net worth is around 25 million USD / does he welcome the migrants in his luxurious neighborhood? (complete hypocrisy & lack of self-awareness)

>There is a small dish in front of him containing several carefully sliced chunks of fresh pineapple. He spears one with a cocktail stick and pops it in his mouth. "Of course," Haneke says, eyes twinkling as he chews. "I'm a very bad person. There is just as much evil in all of us as there is good. We're all continuously guilty, even if we're not doing it intentionally to be evil. Here we are sitting in luxury hotels, living it up on the the backs of others in the third world. We all have a guilty conscience, but we do very little about it."

>His mother Beatrix von Degenschild was an actress and a daughter of the local aristocracy. His father walked out before Haneke was 3. Beatrix married again to Alexander Steinbrecher, an Austrian Jew composer (also became the stepfather of Christoph Waltz after Beatrix's death).

Happy End's cast

>Haneke's "muse" for their 4th collab: Isabelle Huppert (Her father was Jewish[2], married to Lebanese Jewish film producer Ronald Chammah) Won best actress at Cannes in 2001 for Piano Teacher with Haneke, then was president of jury in 2009, gave the palme d'or to Haneke for White Ribbon (incestuous conflict of interest/favoritism), champagne socialist and militant against French Front National
(for further ref., Haneke's other "muse" Juliette Binoche has a similar profile: parents were actors/directors, grandparents were in Auschwitz, champagne socialist, pro-immigration, anti FN, close links with Zionist organizations, etc)
>Trintignant (nepotism, wealthy industrialist family, ties to the Kennedy clan, first entry in Cannes was with Jew Claude Lelouch for A Man and a Woman, his daughter (actress/nepotism as well) married a Jewish filmmaker, etc.)
>Kassovitz (his father is a Hungarian Jew[2]), director of propaganda pro-racemixing films like Métisse (Halfbreed) or dishonest race-baiting like La Haine
>Loubna Abidar, Moroccan actress banned in Morocco for "contempt for moral values" (previous film, Much Loved, was pro-LGBT, pro-adultery and anti-religion), the film was screened and praised in Cannes (director Nabil Ayouch: Tunisian Jewish mother)

Pas très catholique tout ça

>implying he's not right
bourgeois detected

>Cannes 2017
>Michael Haneke's "Happy End" premiers to vociferous anticipation
>It is 1 hour and 50 minutes minutes of white upper class Europeans being righteously tormented for their lack of action in the face of the refugee crisis
>It shows every characters' actions and lack thereof as a microcosm of behaviors which the audience unknowingly engages in on a daily basis
>The normally stoic and thoughtful Cannes audience is moved to tears by this thrashing of their ideals and exposure of their privilege
>They give Haneke a 15 minute standing ovation.
>The Palme d'Or winner is announced on the spot: It's Haneke.
>Haneke slowly walks to the stage with a royal dignity
>Another standing ovation drowns out all other noise
>Haneke silences the crowd
>Endorses Martin Schulz
>Pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the head

fuck off and go back to Sup Forums

Give your money to poor brown people NOW

>be australian
>in France
>endorsing Schulz
education is not expensive, yet...

The globe must band together in order to stomp out tyranny you dirty nationalist peasant.

Was it shot on an iPhone?

In selection this year:
Loveless, d’Andrey Zvyagintsev
Good Time, des frères Safdie (BOTH JEWISH*)
You Were Never Really Here, de Lynne Ramsay (obligatory female quotas because we're so progressive)
L’amant double, de François Ozon
Jupiter’s Moon, de Kornel Mandruczo
A Gentle Creature, de Sergei Loznitsa (can't find infos but his previous film shown at Cannes was about Jews*, so take a wild guess)
Mise à mort du cerf sacré, de Yorgos Lanthimos
Radiance, de Naomi Kawase (obligatory female quotas because we're so progressive)
The Day After, de Hong Sangsoo
Le redoutable, de Michel Hazanavicius (JEWISH*), about Godard
Wonderstruck, de Todd Haynes (JEWISH*)
Rodin, de Jacques Doillon
The Beguiled, de Sofia Coppola (NEPOTISM, also was married to a Jew, Spike Jonze*) (obligatory female quotas because we're so progressive)
120 battements par minute, de Robin Campillo
Okja, de Bong Joon-Ho
In The Fade, de Faith Akin
The Meyerowitz Stories, de Noah Baumbach (JEWISH*)

Opening film by Arnaud Desplechin (first film shown at Cannes was Esther Kahn, about Jews*)
Claude Lanzmann (JEW*, dir. of SHOAH) also there
Didnt check other sections but the most famous in the list is Mathieu Amalric, who is, you guessed it, JEWISH* and Desplechin's muse/alter-ego
Almodóvar head of jury (Gay, LGBT)
Just a quick reminder about recent editions:
2015 jury presidents: Joel and Ethan Coen (JEWISH*), gave the palm to Dheepan (pro-refugees propaganda)
2013 jury president, Steven Spielberg (JEWISH*), gave the palm to Blue is the warmest color (pro-LGTBT propaganda)

>Cannes International Film Festival's goal is to reflect the diversity of world cinema

* less than 1% of the world population


Not an argument

>It's another movie where Haneke tortures his characters and then blame the audience for willing to watch people suffer that much on a screen to excuse his own sadism

Cannot wait

he's right
not my fault that Jews were much smarter than anyone else throughout the history

>he's right

>capital J
Berg or Stein?

fuck off contrarian
actually non-Jew here

So you're just a cuck huh? Thank you for confirming that Haneke and his worldview is as "establishment" as it gets.

Yes I am an ideological cuck. Who should I be? A racist like you?

>calling yourself a cuck
True cuck right here.

>A snapshot from the life of a bourgeois European family.

oh gee how original

Haneke is a hack.

Yes, I passed through the denial phase. Wish you the same.

I am not the champion of a filmmaker who wishes Europe to be overrun by smelly refugees. That is you. You are the cuck.

Look who got out of his room. Hello, would you seat with us?

OMG look how affluent and white they are! This is an AFFRONT TO CIVILIZATION

He's like a fucking protestant preacher who got hold of a movie camera. It's the worst thing ever.

You oversimplificating thingos

Can't wait for the nigger camp scenes.

says a fan of Michael "The film rapes the viewer, I hated Schindler's List, and let me tell you why Europe needs more brown people" Haneke

You will never see them.
At least you know there are still white people in Calais.

exact quote or didn't happen, /po/tard

Naomi Kawase is good stfu nigger.

I'm ok with the rest of descriptions tho

>there are still white people in Calais

Am I gonna be glad when all these old cucks die off and stop poisoning us with their cuck agendas.

I'm laughing my ass off

What, I want a gangbang scene by Haneke. What a disappointment

>the film rapes the viewer
>hating Schindler's List
>wants more brown people in Europe


>Actually invite some of the few decent female film makers
neck yourself

He's not. How about making a movie about all those lower-class/middle-class white families living in Calais who must now live in the middle of a literal jungle, who cannot go out into the city with their kids without encountering aggressive savages, etc? Just a couple weeks ago I was seeing a youtube video of a white trash, prole Calaisian father, who was beaten by antifas and refugees in front of his kid because he dared to speak up against the jungle. Who tells these stories in the film industry? They're all swept under the rug. Countless stories of thievery, aggressions, rapes, who gives a fuck about these families who have to cohabit with these savages, who have to raise their scared children in the middle of this hellhole without any possibility of relocation elsewhere because their livelihood is there and they don't have the means to leaves? This is their home. For people like Haneke and the other cosmopolitan elites who force the little people to share their guilt and compassion, these places are merely hotels. Haneke isn't even French, he has zero legitimacy to talk about these issues, an Austrian raised by a Jew in the culture of guilt who constantly gives moralizing lessons to people... Ask yourself where does his power comes from, who funds him, who gives him publicity? He makes slow, austere supposedly anti-Hollywood films, yet still is revered in Hollywood and he's happy to go to the Oscars? It's all the same network of liberal-libertarian anti-nationalist, you don't need to be a Sup Forums nazi to realize this.

he would be perfect as Saruman if he was an actor

>the age of (western) men is over


same old
same old
never knew that filmmakers were mostly leftist

>Haneke isn't even French, he has zero legitimacy to talk about these issues
also try to live at least 3 days in inhuman camps in Calais without a shitter, and see how long would you last without protest.

>also try to live at least 3 days in inhuman camps in Calais without a shitter

Id probably just stay in my own country instead of wasting money trying to even get to europe for alleged handouts

theoretician of everything.

You are that much of a retard, hang yourself

The simple fact of the matter is basic economics: Europeans have too much money, Syrians have too little. The problem should be easy to solve. I don't expect nationalist proles who care for such petty things as "borders" and "property" to understand.

I will, don't worry.

Have either of you talked to any migrants? Ive talked to many from nigeria and they actually pay between 300 and 600 usd each to get the boat from libya to malta. Seems like they could have spent that money on themselves or their future in their own country. They come here with nothing and live off the retards here who give them free shit. I saved 7k euro to take over with me when i migrated.

am i in Sup Forums or something?

they just seize the opportunity, like Eminem said, one shot.
They want make their lives easier.
It's better to live in Europa than be blown or hung by Boko Haram

>implying non Westerners are men.

>am i in Sup Forums or something?
You're in a Haneke thread. Where have you been the last two years? Let me gues: Not on Sup Forums

>some frustrated liberal pro-refugee anto-Europe janitor is deleting all my hilarious Haneke posts

>fund terrorists groups
>destabilize countries

WOAAAAH *asks NATO to bomb Libya* we did nothing wrong! *tries to remove Assad so he can build your oil pipeline instead of Russia* We re innocent! *starts shit in Ukraine*

They dont understand what europe actually is though, they think everyone is wealthy and life is easy. Easy to find a place to live easy to find work, its really not you have to work hard over here unless retards give everything to you because you're a 'refugee' and they dont want to work hard or they would have stayed at home and bettered their lives the slightly harder way.

>le two wrongs make a right
Predictable liberal response

>few decent female film makers
Female filmmakers are a meme, 99% of female-directed films are technically poor and innovative (don't even try to deny this, this is a fact, women don't care about mastering technique) and are nothing but self-indulgent navel-gazing, they say nothing about the human experience and lack intelligence as well as that "fire" I can't quite define but which is the source of male creativity. Like when you see Apocalypse Now and you can feel Coppola's obsessiveness and personal involvement bursting through the screen, this feeling is utterly absent with female filmmakers. They are, at best, as good as an averagely mediocre male filmmaker. In a true meritocracy, and when compared against historical masters such as Eisenstein, Welles or Tarkovsky, none of these filmmakers would be considered symbols of excellence. Male just have this primal desire to conquer, and male competitiveness which breeds excellence, it's anthropologic key to male survival and why males have always dominated all creative and conceptual fields. If you don't realize that the decline in filmmaking quality these last couple of decades has a lot to do with the rise of feminine and feminized filmmakers (LGBT idols like Almodovar, Dolan, incredibly self-indulgent and vain), and that their place in these festival is the result of agenda-pushing and hard-working lobbies, you're certainly blind. If you look at Cannes selections in the 50's there were no women, and the line-ups were much better, objectively, produced more classics, whereas recently Cannes has mostly been pushing ideologically "progressive" but artistically instantly-forgotten mediocrity. Progressive quotas are the death of art. The rise of someone as technically limited and thematically dishonest as Haneke is also a strong sign of the complete decline in quality of art cinema, in 100 years people will still marvel at Sunrise or Night of the Hunter, no one will give a fuck about this hack.

The governments in europe do not represent the best interests of the people. They can see that in the not so distant future their wont be enough people here to continue paying the taxes needed to fund them, due to declining birth rates. So they have taken the easy option and imported peoples with low iq and high birth rates.


OMG I love these quotes and his serious face

Wowow. When did Syrians come into this? Europe is being invaded by niggers and Arabs. Syrians are playing a minute part in that.

Beyond that, I suggest you grow up and quickly realise the error of your ways. I know how progressive and smart you must feel with that conceit of yours that flags and nations are such barbarous and old-fashioned things. No, of course! We should do away with the lot.


As the cosmopolitan oligarchs continue to destroy our Western White civilisation it's only a matter of time before every aspect of your life will be tainted by the times we live in. I suggest you get used to it. Things aren't going to get better. If you think entertainment and movies are going to exist in some strange bubble forever you're sorely mistaken. No matter what the Hollywood Jews may try to do, the creative impulse of man will always override whatever is in his way.
So yes, it's only inevitable that Sup Forums will become increasingly politicised as we approach the point of crisis.

>cue thread deletion
Sup Forums mods and janis fucking suck now and its all redwoods fault

And guess who is part of those governments? Europeans, so you are agreeing they are the problem


Stop misunderstanding satire.

No i am saying the ones in postions of power do not have the regular average european peoples interests in mind.

Silly goy. Do you really not know that banks control politicians now? And the banks are run by Jews. And the media controls the public opinion. And the media are run by Jews. And academe tells students what to think, and the universities are run by Jews.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are intrinsically linked, since tv & film are the system's main tool for ideological indoctrination, its industry is owned and massively infiltrated by agents of subversion and their propaganda grows more and more obvious and desperate with every passing day

Cannes is a political event, not an artistic one

>from my point of view the europeans are evil

>Where have you been the last two years?
It wasn't this bad before

Is it "racist" to live your life and pursue your interests without hating yourself? Must you live in a constant state of apology and contrition to anyone less fortunate or successful than yourself? Must you sell out your children's futures in favor of theirs?

Dont forget pop music. Its the main reason Sup Forums will never win the ideological battle. Kids grow up listening to it and the majority of the population have listening to it almost all of their lives now.

It's another Sup Forums retard goes full retard episode

>It wasn't this bad before
Haneke is releasing a new movie this year bud. And it's his most fiercely political flick since Cache.

ITT everyone is red-pilled and agrees with each other but let's satirically pretend to be zionist shills otherwise there would be no discussion

now we can go back to posting feet

I can't wait for the shitposting when this comes out. This film is going to be von Trier tier trolling.

>> 82828522 "As the cosmopolitan oligarchs continue to destroy our Western White civilisation" ... this civilization made them oligarchs. they have no intension of destroying something that gives them power. its good to be political active. but i believe you are living in a lie that ( bubble) as you would say, that everyone is wrong but you. Haneke is the establishment.

Dumbass see

Yes, porn and the sexualised music industry is crippling our men.

every aspect of our lives is a political event
to say that Cannes is an establishment event . is like saying that "water is wet".
i believe that most know this.

So what about i.e. Leni Riefenstahl and Agnes Varda? I'd say their personal involvement and obsessiveness is reflected in their films to a large degree

>nationalists will never appreciate the melodious beauty of my sermonizing parable films.


He doesn't know about them. It's probably a pasta, anyway. People who love cinema can't be that close minded.

Someone shoop Haneke's face on Saruman and Soros' face in the palantir.

>Haneke: The power Austrian, state-funded cinema is at your command Soros, destroyer of western civilization
>Soros: Film me a sandnigger puff piece worthy of Oscars.

Literally Nazi propaganda. Absolutely disgusting. Why is Sup Forums infiltrated by those anti-intellectual apes? /his/ and /lit/ don't have this problem.

Isn't it funny that mods are so afraid they feel the need to delete my comment which was just slightly political, even though the point I was making was that movies and politics are intricately linked, and as our world heads towards crisis it's only natural that opinions will become increasingly polarised and will spill over into the entertainment industry, hence on Sup Forums.

Many of his films aren't Austrian.

Not just that its sexualised it promotes messages played on repeat day after day.
Popular song here played all the time still has the chorus 'ive got no roots'

Janitors are afraid of the beige ocean that will swallow all of France

I said 99% leaving room for a few exceptions, Leni is one of them, an amazing visionary. I abhor Varda personally though, she's nothing.

You're repeating Nazi propaganda. It's possible to find similar opinions in Der Sturmer or Der Angriff.

In what way are Leni's propaganda films visionary? She's actually very overrated, stealing mostly from the Soviets and Americans.