Do the Jews force American citizens to soil themselves? I need the truth behind this.

it happens. who cares. its not a big deal

American is so disgusting


You've got no right to insult us, Oreo.

The truth is Americans would love to shit in designated streets but they're too fat to get to a toilet on time so they just shit their pants.

i heard americans talk about "sharting"

turns out their diets are so poor and lacking in fiber that farting is a literally shitty roulette

literally no other culture has ever had a similar term because it just doesn't happen

My baltic brother is much closer to pic related.

My ex-military friend says "never trust a fart".
I'm not sure if he picked this up before or after eating MREs.

Not true.

I went to India and my arsehole was going like a fire hose the whole time. In the end I just wore a skirt and ended up getting gangraped. But the whole time those filthy unwashed cocks were in my arsehole I didn't shit a bit

the jews were successful with the entire 'freedom' movement in USA, despite americans being some of the least free, and it's this 'freedom' movement that has caused americans to lose control of their bowel movement, it also coincides with the 'analsex' movement which has the same effect but to a minor degree.

i'd rather not have read that

>mfw america is now POO IN LOO tier

This is pretty natural and common, it's just part of life.

Jew here. Can confirm.


If you ate fast food every meal you'd shit yourself too mate, it's part of their culture


>Do the Jews force American citizens to soil themselves? I need the truth behind this.

I think its in thier genetics.


>he's never shit his pants before

That's literally 50% of western trips to India.

The other 50% think they're in eat, pray, love

Lard just shart

Fucking australians don't know about poo quotas. Open a book maybe you'll learn something.

i shit my pants all the time, it doesn't matter if you wear good undies

I have when I was like six. I thought it was just a fart and then when I got out of the bed, my pants were all covered in liquid shit.

I learned my lesson back then and whenever I need to fart I always just ease them out, never going full blast in fear of shitting my pants again.

is this why indians make the most money in the U.S? is this just supply and demand?

Fast Food and 32oz sodas make trusting a farting very difficult.

Shitty food can't get digested, since it's already too processed or already digested, so it just falls out of ass. Other possibility is that there are homosexuals out there who fucked those people in the ass and their ass muscles got all ruined and they can't control their shitting action any longer.

How many pictures of fat people shitting themselves do you have saved currently?

Oh you kiwi's are too much sometimes.

i'm sure his american folder is extensive

>Drinking the carbonated Jew

There is an explanation for this.

Someone traced this back to a type of diet pill wal mart sells. It's supposed to prevent your body from absorbing so much fat. It just passes straight through and you shit it out. You're not supposed to eat fatty foods while taking it. These fatties take the pills buy don't stop eating fatty foods. This makes their shits liquid and greasy. One of the side effects of the pill are loose bowels. It's a perfect storm for fatties shitting themselves in wal mart without realizing it because all those greasy fat filled poops come right out.

Pants pooer detected.

Why did I lose to this?

Also the concept of being able to walk around in soiled pants and still be served is truly liberating. Land of the free, indeed.
God bless.

somehow it's mexicans' fault. shit is always somebody else's fault in the US

Most doctors of obese patients in America will probably prescribe a drug which inhibits fat absorption in the body, and so patients will often see an orange oil seep out of their ass without realizing it.

It's not that these people shit their pants intentionally, it's just their high-fat diet like McDonalds which will cause them to soil themselves.

You'd think that after this happens, these people would re-think their diet and take care not to have this happen, but there are probably a lot of people who simply don't care enough to change their diet.

The drug comes with a recommendation to limit fat intake anyway or else these side effects may occur.


No self-discipline nowadays.
Particularly in 'Murica.

>too lazy to pull your pants down or go to nearest DSS

That's why China and India are over taking you


It's a cultural thing, similar to how Indians shit in the streets.

>so poor that he has to pull his pants down to shit
fucking cuck. i bet you dont even shit standing up

Jesus Christmas I've been working at Walmart for 10 years and have never encountered OPs pic.


I saw a documentary once where crapfood like McDonalds is as bad as drugs once ger hooked om it.

We also have a coworker who got a stomach operation but he now says he misses food so much he is trying to stretch it out again.
