ITT: We apologise to Damon Lindelof

I'm sorry I ever doubted you Damon


critics are impressionable redditors. happens a lot with tv-series.

his career is over after leftovers

I stopped watching LOST after 3 seasons of never actually caring about the show. Tomorrowland was trash. Even seasons 1 and 2 of The Leftovers had plenty of dull parts that made them 7/10 seasons. But season 3 is literally, hands down, my favorite season of any show thus far. I'm sorry Lindelof.

I am glad you have finally come to see the light brotha

what makes season 3 kino?

I shitposted about Damon everyday for two years after Lost. Leftovers seasons three is so good that it has put my cancer in remission. Sorry bro. Namaste.

it's not. it's pretty bad so far

He'll write Prometheus 3 then.

i don't understand i find this show terribly boring and slow!
what is wrong with me?

You're a plebeian redditor

Everyone's belief. Belief in the impending apocalypse. Belief in themselves getting signs from on high.

And Jesus Garvey.

Every episode has a unique feel (part of this is due to viewers not yet knowing how it's going to turn out in the end). And as a whole went in a different direction than S1 and S2



dumb polposter

I put off watching this show for the longest time because I was still pissed about LOST. Sorry Damon, season 3 has been incredible.

Oh shit I'm sorry

kill yourself shill

>the only people eager to subject themselves to a third season of the leftovers were blown away by it

every episode has a unique "feel" because lindelof can't write consistency or develop characters.
