Just listen for once

Just fucking listen for once

This is my opinion on why things are so bad in the West and they are not like that in Poland. Majority of you are useful ignorants. Some would've said that you are useful idiots, but in fact the problems are coming from the lack of knowledge not lack of intelligence. Majority of you are very intelligent but can't understand how things works. I'm talking about /pol now, because the rest of the West are like sheep - they don't even matter because they don't even realise that there is a problem.

You however are supposed to be redpilled and know what are you talking about. Then I will tell you what's your problem:


Other urls found in this thread:


That's it. There you go.

First of all. Stop with all that nonsense about "White". I've been asking people in that "is X White" threads to define "white". Absolutely no definition given. Why ? Because it's Biologism - something that has been refuted in 19th century for fucks sake. You are a victims of normoviruses - a brainwash manipulation thing that is common knowledge in any respectable Intelligence agency. Normoviruses are used to divide you. Divide et impera.

This is why you are useful ignorants. You have no knowledge about this stuff. The only sociocybernetics you got was from Yuri Bezmenov and he only revealed you a tip of an iceberg. The other thing you have is a Huntington's "Clash of Civilisations" that has been plagiarised from Polish author Feliks Koneczny. Your government will never give you the knowledge we have because you would be able to defend yourselves. That knowledge is known in CIA or in Russia, but you have zero sources on it in your countries.

Do you know why you are loosing a war ? It's because you can't win a war if you cant define your victory or your enemy. Can you define your Enemy though ? Of course not. You refer to some stereotypical labels like Jews, BLM, SJW, Bloomberg, Rothshield, or some other labels. This is why you are loosing again and again.

Can you define what you are defending ? You will say that you defend "muh white race". Define White then. You can't, can you ?

You are defending something that is called "civilization type" - it's a social structure that has been defined by many factors like Law, Ethics, Aesthetics and so on. That civilization type which has been called "Latin" type civilization is dying in the West. You are moving to Byzantine type - ruled by bureaucrats. The you'll move to authoritarian Turanian type. But that is just observation.

There is no race problem. There is degradation of civilisation in your countries.

Furthermore you have been attacked by the Islam which is completely different type of civilisation and has nothing to do with race. They have different values and every sociocybernetics analysis will give you a conflict - a so called "clash of civilisations".

This topic is so huge that I can't simply tell you everything, but it bothers me that majority of you are so clueless.


Why do you think I'm a jew and why do you use that label ?

It doesn't matter that we're loosing info-war, It's to hard to convince liberals that there IS a problem.

But I'm not defending anything. I want to see everyone die in a thermonuclear war. Is that bad?

Don't even bother. Sup Forums is just another place for a mob, as primitive and dumb as SJWs only more racist and less politically correct, but their opinions are worthless pieces of shit. This is why I have abandoned any thought of the West recovering from this whole mess. Their diagnosis of the problem is just too fucking primitive

As for the civilization issue. Notice that Frenchies and Germans are ruled by bureaucrats at least since the XVIth century! Cuius regio eius religio in Germany, Absolutism in France. They are all cultural failures

If you only accept that subversion is the only way and that you can't fight it then you have already lost. The problem is, that redpilled people have absolutely no clue how to fight it and they don't know how to fight it because they have little to no knowledge.

You forgot your sources.

Well I can give you them, but what good does it make for you if all of them are in Polish. The only thing that is translated is a Felix Koneczny work that has been written before 1900. Other work of prof. Mazur or Kossecki are not translated.

I can give you free book from Koneczny. He is still better than anything you got in the West even when he is horribly outdated:


Racist == Retard
You ought to hate people for their actions, not for their skin-color, since there are many shitskins and niggers that are more based than some white-trashes (look at SJW and other white guilt fags).

nobody thinks anything based on skin colour you simplistic fucking pole

it's about genetic markers for violence and other behaviors, nobody hates niggers because "HURR SKIN COLORS"

it's because they commit disproportionate crime

Stupid fucking Polish cuckold

A bit of EU money and you faggots think you're hot shit. Go back to cleaning the toilets. Hope Russia annexes you again.

I've been visiting Sup Forums for a while, just because a well informed board. This is the first time I see something coherent. Well made OP. This time you are no faggot.

Just... no.

What happens is a class war between established and embedded capitalists and the working class.

The only news is that the capitalists now claim to be progressive leftists and are fighting their enemies by patting them on the head and belittling them.

It's because of hood culture, not genes, you fucking leaf twat. Look at the niggers that grown in the high-class society, or in the countries where is no black hood culture (Poland is a good example, we have our Polish Boxer Izuagbe Ugonoh, you wouldn't tell he's black with your eyes closed).
Drink some syrup, dude.

You're not relevant anymore, Seymour.

I understand what you're saying, but unfortunately it will go over most of Sup Forums's head.

You're right about the division, and the labels that even Sup Forums is victim to.

That being said, there is still hope.

W końcu wartościowy post.

really? a hood culture that extends throughout the entire fucking world, and also correlates to different races like hispanics causing more crime as well? why is hood culture making niggers rape in sweden? why is hood culture making niggers steal in canada?

go fuck yourself you moronic naive cuck, wait till your country gets more than 0.0001% niggers and maybe you'll actually understand

You know it's infuriating watching people be sheeple, when theyure fully capable of understaanding everything.

Something about western mentality being so brainwashed that they do not question anything.

They continue with their bullshit about why one side is right and other wrong wihtout realizing theyre both being played and used a 21st century slaves.

Give them the ability to taalk shit on social media (can't really do it in real life since it has "consequences" buy useless shit they don't need, overstimulate themselves so they never have time to think about the world, and they will think they're free.

People honestly think they're free. Our standard of living may be higher than most of the world but it is nothing close to what it could be, or the way things could be.

I don't know whats going to make them wake up but when they do they're going to shit themselves.

I can hear Marxism in this post all over it. The problem with you guys is that you don't listen. Capitalist and working class are labels as well. They don't actually mean anything. Those are stereotypes that can be easily used to antagonize people. Again Divide et impera.

Informational warfare runs on information or disinformation. Facts are your friends and bullshit is your enemy. You are using the same weapon of people that are misinformed and when they eventually use facts or other manipulated information you lose again and again.

>civic nationalism
Other races have a measurable and scientifically defined lower average IQ (except for East Asians, of course). Other factors like environment, money and upbringing have been accounted for in those statistics. These are the facts. You may not like them but they exist.

>posts a whole post about nothing
Why can't Russia just invade you already?

>these are the facts
But where are the sources? We're losing in an information war, yet you can't even cite where your information is coming from?

No wonder why we are losing


>You are clueless
>I have the secret
>Topic is huge and complex
>Can't give you the whole truth, give only vague bits and pieces

Literally con artist talk. Spill the beans without advertising your nonsense, for a guy who knows the truth you sure are obnoxious.

Haha, so I guess you've read all books in every other languages then?

You've read some obscure books in Polish and now think you understand the world better than 'the west'. Let me ask you this, are you trolling or did you just turn 16?

Helmuth Nyborg (August 2005). "Sex-related differences in general intelligence g, brain size, and social status". Personality and Individual Differences

Lynn, Richard; Vanhanen, Tatu (2002). IQ and the wealth of nations. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. ISBN 9780275975104.
Lynn, Richard (2011) [1996]. Dysgenics: Genetic deterioration in modern populations. Praeger Publishers. ISBN 9780275949174.
Lynn, Richard; Vanhanen, Tatu (2012). Intelligence: A unifying construct for the social sciences. Ulster: Ulster Institute for Social Research. ISBN 9780956881175.

Herrnstein, R. J., & Murray, C. A. (1996). The bell curve: Intelligence and class structure in American life. New York: Simon & Schuster.

All very data driven books. Once you're done with those report back and I'll provide another batch dealing with more specific issues or questions you might have. Enjoy.

Even you, Brutus?

I've given you a glimpse at it and pointed out first book you should read here:
I might try to divide the topics in the future and post everything I know bit by bit. This thing is infuriating to me because people should at least know how they are misinformed and divided.

Although one of our prominent cybernetics writers stated that he does not wish his work to be translated I will try to bring it in pieces at least.

right now you need to know these things:

1. There is no race or 'muh white race'. There is Civilization that is represented by special traits that define it.

2. Our civilization is called "Latin type" and you could probably refer to it as Western civilization, but unfortunately there is another Western civilization type which is not that good. So until I will explain what's the difference let's just remember that we have at least two Western types of civilizations.

3. There are things called normoviruses and infoviruses. Those are the tools to create disinformation and they populate stereotypes so you could use them against facts.


Of course the are clueless. Ignorant children of a collapsing cultural paradigm, kept in division and amused by baubles. The world turns again from complex to simple, by fury, by fire and by blood.

Good post

There you go! Now you are talking! I've already read them multiple times and I'm glad to actually see them sourced (rather than just an infographic with biased material).

Thank you!



Why do people constantly write loosing instead of losing. Are they stupid or lazy?

So if you had read them why ask for sources? You knew what I stated to be true. I only provide sources first when I'm talking to outsiders, here on Sup Forums I'm not really gonna source everything.

How about you ask the polish guy sources for his inanity?

No I have not, yet I can assure you that Polish school of cybernetics is like 50 years ahead of the rest of the World.
What you probably don't know is that Mosad and USA Intelligence agencies schools has been created after the WWII and were based on Polish school fundamentals. In USA it was William Donovan and in Israel those were Jewish soldiers form Poland that has learned everything as every Polish officer before WWII.

It's stupidity. A lot of native speakers also write it like that which is even more puzzling. I don't have that many pet peeves but "loosing" bothers me.

>No I have not, yet I can assure you
No, that means you can't. Thanks for at least being honest about your very limited knowledge.

>What you probably don't know
Haha, ok kiddo.

I think as you do, Poland. I think the false jews call it mentalism.

I have already given you first source. Problem with your is that they point out some of the biological facts that you combine in some sort of idiotic theory that as I stated before are nothing but Biologism which is a stereotype and nothing more. Corelation doesn't mean causation.

Here you go.


For example:

Scientific publications:

Good luck translating. Have it occured to you, that some of the information is hidden from you ?

Jesus. It's enough that you just read history and philosophy books you moron. And you can read them in english if you think Poland is shit

You can't blame people for lack of knowledge. I used to be angry as hell at people, but now I understood that it's just part of the problem. People just don't know that they are manipulated. The only way to stop it is to inform them how things work and what are the mechanisms of manipulation so they can defend themselves.

>I can assure you
>Without sources

Doesn't seem like it, since
is able to provide more reliable sources than your one source, which is here
It seems more like you are losing your war by trying to separate the race issue from the fall of civilization, blaming as "biologism"

You are doing nothing for your arguments. You are not going to convince people who thrive off of multiple sources with just one source. If you truly believe what you are saying needs to get out, then you'd translate those texts
yourself and be useful rather than waving your laughably small pseudo-intellectual dick around, saying that you know everything while everyone does not.

I could provide you sources in different languages as well, passing them off as scientific and scholarly articles that other governments won't show, and for all you know they could say the devil fucked your mother in the ass and spawned the next serial killer.

Come back when you have a well grounded thesis, backed by research, and an actual argument, which I doubt is possible given what you have provided

Yes I know, my point is that OP is a moron for thinking this knowledge only exists in Polish. He keeps implying that this information is somehow hidden, it isn't.

>Furthermore you have been attacked by the Islam which is completely different type of civilisation and has nothing to do with race. They have different values and every sociocybernetics analysis will give you a conflict - a so called "clash of civilisations".

Culture - genotype interaction.

Niggers are unable of having a civilization.

Arab sandniggers are unable of having a civilization other than theocracy.

Both will always come back to the norm that feels good for them.

> to know what it is without even checking it out.
Sure thing, stay misinformed and shit on people that give you information. Good way to go.

What is this, disinformation?! I thought what OP provided was widely accepted academia where you live, what are you doing

It is common Sup Forums knowledge that the powers that be are intentionally dividing the populace to reap the chaos. Why else introduce the mudslimes to Europe?

Why do you think you're saying something new?

Well, there is a lot of research by Polish societal scientists, which hasn't been translated. It was through good social planning and social engineering how Polands, communists retained some of their powers in the background in new post-commie Poland.
Many poeple in Poland are aware about social engineering.

why do you call me disinfo?

what OP writes is known on fringe Polish alt-right circles.

you can watch Kossecki videos on youtube, but it will not help you much, it's all in Polish


It was sarcasm, my friend.

>implying we care about you

Just cut the EU fundings, dissolve NATO and you will be another russian bitch, you are worthless. And that's not because there is mudslimes in our countries that you are more relevant

They are not labels.

A capitalist is a person who owns the means of production and hires other people to work them, taking profit from the difference in value.

It's a very simple and concrete concept.

>>Without sources
I have already given you sources just check them out.
>>Doesn't seem like it, since
If you don't see it then just move on, because I don't have a time for people that don't even see their own universities, media and generally speaking low and middle class being subverted by information warfare.

>>is able to provide more reliable sources than your one source, which is here
Sure, that not enough, but it's something to start with. This can change your way of thinking about races and the way you understand how Civilizations works. If you know that, then we could move on to cybernetics and how it affects sociological structure.

>>It seems more like you are losing your war by trying to separate the race issue from the fall of civilization, blaming as "biologism"

I'm just trying to explain to you that people don't understand the concept of race and mistakenly take it for a civilization.

>>You are doing nothing for your arguments. You are not going to convince people who thrive off of multiple sources with just one source. If you truly believe what you are saying needs to get out, then you'd translate those texts.

Maybe I will. Unfortunately, I wanted to stir the pot so at least some of the people would try to learn something about it. Maybe some of the people will.

>>Come back when you have a well grounded thesis, backed by research, and an actual argument, which I doubt is possible given what you have provided

Well, I'm convinced that I have to divide it into chunks of data and pass it on. The whole study in Polish takes couple of years according to academics that give lectures in Polish on Youtube. But I think it's worth it. This works in Poland so it will probably work in the West. I just hope that it will not be too late.



good point, Ive actually reinforced this thinking when it comes to academic ignorace since I don't balme people for not being educated even tho they could educate themselves.

Sure, what that has to do in informational warfare ?

>Culture - genotype interaction.
>Niggers are unable of having a civilization.
>Arab sandniggers are unable of having a civilization other than theocracy.
>Both will always come back to the norm that feels good for them.

Well both of them have their types of civilization. Those civilizations are inferior in means of success from our point of view.

The thing is, people refer to race to specify why Africans or Arabs are inferior to them when all there is is a difference in civilization type. You can have super intelligent guy from some African country and he would be integrated into Western Latin type of civilization with no problem. So it's not about race. It's about civilization.

There is no problem with so called moderate Muslims, but only when they operate in our type of civilization. Whenever you group them and let them operate with their own type, they will instantly switch to Arabic type of civilization and will call for Sharia. That's the problem.

You haven't given me useful information for anything you claim. Why should I take you seriously again?

Im not denying that. I am however denying that such research hasn't been conducted in pretty much every other language as well. All this is very old and thoroughly understood information, and definitely not exclusive to the handful of polish sources highschooler OP keeps insisting on.

You shouldn't. Just move on.

>You can have super intelligent guy from some African country and he would be integrated into Western Latin type of civilization with no problem. So it's not about race. It's about civilization.

>There is no problem with so called moderate Muslims, but only when they operate in our type of civilization. Whenever you group them and let them operate with their own type, they will instantly switch to Arabic type of civilization and will call for Sharia. That's the problem.

That's exactly what I meant, but in other words.


Will do, stay in school kid.

Their genetics positions them to LIKE a certain type of civilization.

It has to do with behawior genes and IQ genes.

As you said, we can take a high-IQ African and take him to Europe, and he will function well.

But wherever there is population of Africans, they will always RECREATE AFRICA, because ON AVERAGE they are Africans, and not exceptional outlier people.

Same goes for East-Asians, they have their own social order, something like a bee hive, they are 'eusocial'.


wew big guy

>Informational warfare runs on information or disinformation. Facts are your friends and bullshit is your enemy. You are using the same weapon of people that are misinformed and when they eventually use facts or other manipulated information you lose again and again.

I've tried arguing this with parts of Sup Forums for some time.

A common (worthless) thread is "Black men with White women are X". My counter was "What does it mean when Black women marry White men and have babies". X usually is meant to be offensive in the sense that anyone who is "White" is inferior to Black men when it comes to sex...I find it funny that Black women are more than happy to marry White cock and have babies, hell they will even admit (in private) that it is far better than being with a Black man...

And does this prove anything? No. Is it informational? Not really, we just have people arguing about mocha-colored children and "my dick is bigger". Does it show that there is a cultural problem in America instead of a race problem?

Oh, yes.

Remember, the different between a Black gentleman and a "nigger" is the same difference between a White gentleman and "poor trailer trash". People try to make the former race-based when the later is all about cultural problems.

>Race is only skin deep

You should purge those few remaining Jews in your country, Poles.

>>Their genetics positions them to LIKE a certain type of civilization.
>>It has to do with behawior genes and IQ genes.

Well, there might be something to it but I don't think it's the major factor. It might be, but we would probably need some scientific papers on it. My bet would be on sociological structure of the area the are born and raised.

>>As you said, we can take a high-IQ African and take him to Europe, and he will function well.
>>But wherever there is population of Africans, they will always RECREATE AFRICA, because ON AVERAGE they are Africans, and not exceptional outlier people

Well that's the problem. The thing is, they would probably recreate civilization they know, but I have no idea since there is no scientific knowledge about it.

>>Same goes for East-Asians, they have their own social order, something like a bee hive, they are 'eusocial'.

Sure. But there is a problem that civilization can be switched. We are now moving from Latin type to Byzantine. Jewish type of civilization is no longer practiced in Israel for example. This is strange because you have certain areas that have Jewish type of civilization but they are not Jewish.

You missed the point.

Exactly. The problem is not in the race. You should defend your civilization because that's the thing that is actually under attack right now and that's the only thing that actually matters. Civilization define qualities of your life that you hold dear. Problem is that majority of /pol can't get a grasp because they use warped definitions of things.

blacks can be good, just harder than most races. they're less well-endowed mentally and over-equipped physically. they express their frustration at their condition through physical violence.

jews are physically puny, limited in numbers, but with byzantine (and highly-neurotic) minds. they project their self-hatred on humanity and rely on their devious little intellects to deceive and gain power.

>You should defend your civilization because that's the thing that is actually under attack right now and that's the only thing that actually matters.

Islam is a threat to America in the only sense that there are millions of people using extreme forms of Islam that refuse to conform to *ANY* American cultural values. Instead, many want it the other way around, and of course Americans refuse; you end up with cultural clashes as a result that manifest as various forms of warfare. There will be warfare, it will happen as long as a subset of followers of Islam continue to insist that *other* countries adopt the culture that goes with the religion (and yes, they have a specific culture that goes with it) when they are in that country.

News flash: you're in someone else's country.

chill the fuck out

i just like trolling slavniggers and calling them not white

that's literally all it is

>What is white kurkwa
>Yoo read book plagiarize by pole author
>Sup Forums is one person


I was going to make a post saying the same thing.

You are spot on OP, divide and conquer.

Yes, indeed. every cybernetic model shows, that Islam will create conflict with every civilization it will meet. It's also true that every civilization has been disintegrated as soon as it's core values has been destroyed. If you get rid of culture, tradition, religion, your country will cease to exist. This is why, even though I'm atheist I support Catholic Church in Poland.

I like some good banter, but your country is slowly beginning to burn and I don't like that. You can of course ignore it and just move on.

You can do better than that.

>samefagging this hard

Why don't one of you Polefags translate a video for us. We love long time!

Konieczny did not have access to genetic research. Things like the warrior gene, etc.

So what he was describing was an abstract civilization type, which is the norm for an ethnic group of people.

There is a genetics > culture > genetics cycle, which reinforces certain types of civs. So instead of ethnic group we can talk about genetic structure of a population.

Today Konieczny would be a HBD researcher. Look up Human Biodiversity.

You are right that just the skin color is nothing. so we can take an African black man who had the luck to get a geneotype closer to to the European behavior type and bring him to Europe and he will function well. But he is an exception.

Yes, civilizations can be switched. It's possible to make people obey one mode of operations or the other.

E.g. Germans or white people can do either democracy or authoritarianism.

This is the problem. You don't have experience with a sizeable black population. You only see the best of the best. In every population in which they thrive, they commit high crime. Sure, there are exceptions, but on average they are awful.

can confirm. Niggers running rampant in melbcuck. In Australia of all places. Fucking american globalisation

I always agreed with these ideas. If we keep mumbling about who's whiter we'll never get shit done. What we fight pretends unity, while we foster division and categorisation. Against unity we have to respond with other unity, in my humble opinion. If it means getting help from people different than ours, so be it. I am against immigration as much as the next guy here (although for different reasons, of economical and social order) but the thing is that we have the same goal and we have to get together, setting aside the differences and labels, or else we will lose.
Clarity in information and transparency is what could help us winning in the long run.

Koneczny was probably one of the greatest minds that Earth have ever seen. His theory of Civilisation is light years ahead of anything that Marx, Dugin or Huntington ever wrote. I wanted to make thread about him, I even started to translating "The Judaized Hitlerism". If anything is THE redpill this is it. Anyway OP you should start with basic of his theory. For exemple you could tell Sup Forums what is the Latin civilisation. In the great tl;dr version Latin Civilisation is about:
>Dualism of Law (ther is public law and private law)
>The source of Law is society (Law is based on Roman one developed in Chirstian spirit)
>Moral system is same both for rulers and subjects
>The Goodness, Truth and Beuty is superior to Health and Prosperity (but they are important to)
>The marriages are monogamous and lifelong
>Familes are fully emancipated from clan/tribe/whatever; familes made society
>Historicism is dominant
>The form of society organisation are nations
>Science is free in its search of Truth
>The dominant thought, objective of this civilisation type is "Civitas dei"
>Selfgoverning and economic independence is very important
>It's personalistic, organic and united in diversity(but not in SJW sense. When you look at diversity of traditional regions of France, USA, Poland, Britan etc this is what Koneczny called "Diversity")
There is some other characteristics but this is enough to understand it.

Also the greatest enemy of Latin civilisation at this point is Jewish one in the form of (((elites))), modernism, liberalism, atheism, socialism, SJWism and EU.

Bump. This is interesting stuff. OP still here?