Just saw this today. What did Sup Forums think? I liked it but was a bit caught off. Was expecting a thriller

Just saw this today. What did Sup Forums think? I liked it but was a bit caught off. Was expecting a thriller.

I fapped like 6 times

Same. It had a lot sexiness instead of violence not that I'm complaining. The film is pretty forgettable.

I thought it was sweet with the romance. Forgettable seems a bit strong?

Not a Titanic but noteworthy I thought. The sex scenes seemed excessive latter half though.

It's all right.

I was annoyed as soon as I recognized the plot and story from "Fingersmith". "Handmaiden" was quite a lot sexier though.

Third act problems abound.

Despite all his hype I really think Chan-wook is the least consistent of the "big 3" SK directors from the noughties.

I liked it. Not my favorite from Park (I like Stoker best) but it's still very much his style.

Dem sex scenes tho, wew.

The end of part 1 had me gutted but the reveal was nice. After Old Boy I expected a sad or horrible ending but was happy. I thought the final boat scene spoiled the mood however.

Someone post the webm. You know the one


But the best character died.

I didnt like him. He was an asshole. My favourite was Sook Hee. Actress herself was beautiful and looked like she had not undergone surgery which was a huge plus.

I found him to be the only sympathetic one honestly.

Sook Hee was good. I found her opposite miscast however. I guess casting an actual Japanese actress would have been out of the question.

>only sympathetic

Guy planned to screw over a seemingly innocent woman/ maid into a mad house for his own gains.

Guy was an ass man.

>opposite miscast

How so? I didnt read the story the movie was based off but she seemed alright. Only way id cast it is to get Sook Hee a dead ringer i suppose.

>Guy planned to screw over a seemingly innocent woman/ maid into a mad house for his own gains.
He was a wannabe Casanova. And he had the best lines. I'm not judging him morally I just found him the most interesting/human.

>How so?
tbph I just didn't find her very attractive.

Fair point on the Casanova comment.

>tbph I just didn't find her very attractive

That too. Honestly I felt Sook Hee's actress looked a fair bit younger than her but supposedly thats not the case.

the twist has a twist on the twist

and what a twist it was!

Yeah but idk who they should have cast instead. I guess someone as cute as the lead like Lee Da Hae or IU would've worked. Would have given the romance a more childish tone I guess.

Of course it would've been extremely hard given the subject matter but I would've taken less sex for a cuter Lady Hideko.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. Interesting genre bending, great production design and cinematography.

At least he got to die with his dick___ intact.

The maid was cuter than the lady