Kill yourself and your family

That's right, do it.

That's EXACTLY what you're doing if you vote this CLOWN into power.

You're all very young, but you don't have the frame of reference to make association to the destruction you're bring upon this nation.

Think before you vote in November... or face swift retribution from the rest of the civilized world.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather kill your family, and you.

oh wow

guess I'm #MentallyHill now

>you're thinking wrong!!!!!!!!!!
i hope you're trolling, shit eater

stop giving us a bad name..

It's all fucked already. You seem to be the young one here, because the rest of us see that even with all the "issues" you people dig up, Trump is the last best hope to solve this peacefully - and that's worldwide, so don't you go talking about frames of reference.

Tl;dr - the leaf, it is of fucking

>low taxes are bad!
>America first foreign policy is bad!
>Muslim immigrants who attack Europeans daily are good!
>Mexican immigrants who vote socialist and are on government welfare 80% of the time are good!

Don't be stupid goyim, i may be unemployed but I have a degree in poly sci! I paid over 200k for college but Bernie is going to pay it off!


The world WILL respect the United States of America. Trump is the strong leader we need. Not a LITERAL cuck like Hillary who was LITERALLY cuckholded.

Whats wrong with that quote exactly?
You have more experience making deals with asians than Trump?