I have a Swedish cousin, he's fucking 12 and "feels" like a girl. Everyone but me and my dad pluss my two brothers thinks it's wonderfull and want to give him hormones as soon as possible. He even has some sort of advanced autism where my aunt cant give him normal food or cut his hair because he goes full fucking autismo on them. AND NOW THEY WANT TO MAKE HIM A GIRL. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO
I used to play with him when they came to visit, he was a normal boy. We pretended to play "war" and i gave him my collection of old toy solders.
Now he plays with dolls and shit. Itfeelssobadman
Adam Hall
Leave your family. They are bad people, they're torturing a kid.
Brayden Morris
That depends on if he is trans or not.
If he is, it's all fine.
Really, only he can answer that question.
Sebastian Torres
This is so fucking sad.
If my son turns out like this, it will be 100% my fault.
Charles Stewart
Fucking hell sweden. Why do you always have to be so cucked.
John Lopez
That's like telling a drunk person he's safe to drive a car. If you get to a point where a person with a male chromosome literallyTHINKS they're a woman (emphasis added because it is only in their head and nowhere physiologically) they need mental help, and they need it immediately. They're ill, and society literally wants to enable their illness. It's on par with encouraging someone with lung cancer to smoke more cigarettes each day than they're already smoking.