Arguing with libtard about Muslim immigration

>Arguing with libtard about Muslim immigration
>Muslims are homophobic and misogynistic
>Libtard starts sputtering, the gears are turning
>But so is the bible
>Im an Atheist
>Steam explodes out Libtards ears, utterly wasted

So why aren't you an Atheist Sup Forums it's the ultimate trump card release your jesus burden

Because they like not being atheists, what do you care faggot?

All my kek, i never had to deal with a libtard until now

Pretty sure there's a lot of atheists in Sup Forums (myself included), they just never say it out loud

It's a really bizarre doublethink they almost all have and I've NEVER heard anything resembling an explanation.

>b-b-but the bible!!!
The bible is a book, dumbass, Muslims are people

You would rather them be muslim?

>bible says some shit
>christians ignore the violent parts and live and let live
>koran says some shit

see the difference?

I'm an atheist but am proud of my nation's Christian Heritage, and understand that its ideals are actually beneficial to society.

Christianity is objectively the superior Abrahamic religion.

Also, as an eternal Anglo, I fucking hate Catholics.

Yeah, libtards are used to "argue" with super conservative religious nuts, usually. They can't even conceive the possibility of a conservative atheist.