Do you all reckon Anders Brevik is sitting in his luxury Norwegian prison eating gourmet food and playing Playstation...

Do you all reckon Anders Brevik is sitting in his luxury Norwegian prison eating gourmet food and playing Playstation with a smug smile on his face just thinking, "Europe, I told you so". Cause he was right all along about the Islamification of Europe. He saw what was going to happen long before anyone else did. Now Europe is a shithole with rape epidemics and a terrorist attack every couple days. He must feel pretty smug about it all. And when he is released do you think he will lead a Crusade to cleanse Europe of all shitskins? One can only hope so

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He is.

And he will rise again

Keep Europe clean

>Hates the East

>Bombs the West

Bombed the liberals that let the east in dumbass

So which holy christian city will you guys sack this time?

Any dam city we please you fucking Dunecoon

then we will be arming our troops to take it after that. can you sack the Vatican this time?

We would Dues Vult with you like the old days.

Well I wouldnt mind bombing the Vatican but Id rather wall off the Middle East and leave it to rip itself to bits

oh dont worry. last time you guys had did smoke something that made you attack your brethren.

in all seriousness most of you guys are already cucked and dont care. too bad for that.