You guys realize that the summer happenings of 2016 are essentially our times collective version of the shots of...

You guys realize that the summer happenings of 2016 are essentially our times collective version of the shots of Sarajevo?

When you look back in recent history the start of every century has been heralded in by some large scale strife that sets on to define the rest of the century.
>1618, Thirty Years' War
>1700's Great Northern War, followed by war of Spanish Succession
>1803, Napoleonic war's
>1914, World War I
>2016, War of Civilizations ????!!!?
Let's Discuss

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Couldn't agree more. Bump for interest, this could be huge!

It started with 9/11 though

It's started much earlier than 2016 I think. Maybe 2001.

It's really time to start making use of nukes

Drastic times drastic measures etc.

This, but OP is right though. Are there any examples beyond the 1600s?


what the fuck am i looking at

The recent French "attacks" are False Flags intended to kick start a war against Iran

Holy shit what the fuck is this? I'm dying.