Incoming message from the Big Giant Head

Incoming message from the Big Giant Head...

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getting real sick of your shit shatner.

Whatever happened to this guy?

Best show. Comfiest show. I wish more people talked about it.

He was in the Inspector Gadget flick sequel, then...nothing

Do you know what embarrasses me? I didn't get the joke about them just being a Tom, Dick, and Harry, until they actually spelled it out.

My favorite Jewish family ever.

He was in that one episode of Community where he played a French Stewart impersonator

The last thing I remember seeing him in was an episode of That 70s Show where he was up against Kutcher in some hand on car competition. Although he's that kind of actor that you think has done nothing and has in fact done a thousand small roles and hasn't stopped working at all in that time.

>he played a French Stewart impersonator

Never watched Community but that's actually funny

I didn't get the joke until I read your post, but I haven't seen the show since I was a kid.

you're a big giant head

for you to sit on

Five years ago I decided to rewatch this entire series.
It's honestly kind of crappy, but I still want to do it again. As far as comfiness goes there's nothing like it.

>that episode of Tom rejecting sex from his qt gf

I legit raged.

>you now remember Phil Hartman was murdered in between seasons of this show, so they had to awkwardly reshoot the cliff hanger the season ended on.

John Lithgow elevates it to a level that isn't shit. He was so good on it. And Sally and Wayne Knight had good chemistry.

He's so good in this I can never take him seriously in anything else again. No matter how good his dramatic performance in some movie moght be, I still expect the character to grab a box of tissues, pull put all the tissues, and scream "GENIUS!".
also, one of the saddest sitcom endings ever

Happens to me too, love the guy but I can only see him as Dick.

Remind me it ends with them leaving Earth and deleting Albright's memories, right?

Yes, and they cry as they leave earth.
There's an alternate extended ending where a naked Dick (no pun intended) comes back to kidnap Albright.

he's on CBS's "mom"

>favorite Jewish family ever
aliens needing to disguise themselves as human so they choose the one race that is above question and criticism. kino