The emails show that the DNC HAD A MOLE in the Bernie Campaign.

Bernie played fair. Bernie sort of knew he was being fucked, but the DNC (specifically Debbie Wasserman Schultz) lied about that and said she was being impartial and helpful to all.

She lied, clearly, as the email shows.

The DNC had at least one SPY in the Bernie campaign.

These emails opened a lot of eyes.

Other urls found in this thread:


wow really made me think

Neurons firing.........

I'm still not clear on what the fuck happened and what is going on with this scandal.

What's the big deal? what got leaked? some emails? what was IN the emails that got leaked?. All I heard so far was something about them trying to smear him with some Atheist shit.

Apart from that I don't get what the big deal is apart from Hillary wanting to fuck over Bernie? does that surprise anyone? We all know she is a rotten liar and Trump has enough bad characteristics of his own to match hers.




Wow wtf? I hate emails now

search on mole

>The DNC had at least one SPY in the Bernie campaign.
>These emails opened a lot of eyes.
What universe did this open eyes in? People spy on each other in internet spaceship games and you think politics where there's actual money and power on the line is going to be any different?

Every major player has spies watching every other major player. In every field.

>The Big Deal
Collusion and bribery to rig a political election
>What got Leaked
The emails Hillary and Debbie sent back and forth colluding with others to manipulate the DNC election in Hillary's favor.

It doesn't surprise anyone that they are enemies but it's surprising the illegal and unethical tactics Hillary used.

Trump is great. Here's your (You). I know you need those to cash in your shillforhill bucks.

Since that video with the women who said they don't know you are nominated whatever i can't stop thinking about that this is a big scam to make bernie president OR hillary because bernie will take away all the extra votes for trump which he got now..trump lets hillary behind and puff there is this video they don't know that you are nominated..now they have on imgur videos on fp where bernie supporters start to cry at his speaches and NOW there is a leak that hillary and all the evil people there destroyed bernie campaign...buh huh..

i will make up numbers now but now it is something like 50/50 Trump Shillary and it turns more and more to trump but then it will be something like bernie 28%
trump 35%
shillary 37%

I don't know about that other guy but you'll get what i mean

Bernie either still must think he has some sort of chance or he's being threatened by Clinton.

otherwise there is no reason why he'd continue to support Hillary unless he really is a cuck.




Democrats are a fucking joke.

>Trump will win

I know who it was.

The only embarrassing thing is that the United States almost in every aspect of the political system or government sponsored sector don't acknowledge this.

They try to portray a much to unrealistically "good" image and appearance usually condemning acts such as spying or other immoral and unfair "not up front" tactics.

I know it's necessary and it needs to happen in certain areas like the military keeping up with their enemies but everyone does the shit even upcoming presidents which is sad because they're supposed to represent the country as a whole and should also hold our values to heart but don't.

No.... It can't be....

She's a dirty trick. I'm not saying it's not good, I'm just saying it's no surprise.

News flash! Politics is a dirty business!

>stop the freakin presses


spying in political campaigns is standard. They all do it. Read fear and loathing on the campaign trail 72

Fucking leafs man. I shouldn't be surprised

It's hard to tell which stories are true and which are Russian plants to make people distrust the Dems even more.

Simple emailing behind peoples' backs sounds pretty typical, but "spies" sounds like something Putin's FSB or another would come up with, who have ironically infiltrated America's political systems.


This is the hottest meme of 2016

isn't that ISIS member Sam al Hayid?

could hillary numbers go so low in the next two days that they have to give bernie the nomination?

The Superdelegates can put Bernie over the top but they would have to defect today from the Hillary camp.

The Superdelegates are so scared shitless of Hillary that they will vote for her regardless of her crimes and immoral actions.

If this were known months ago then Bernie would be the nominee.

But unless Hillary says Fuck It I Quit for the good of the team, then she will be the nominee.

Hillary doesnt care about the "team" or anyone but her own power

>Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Is there anyone in America who isn't a Jew?

I think Bernie was his own spy in his campaign. He gained lots of money on donations and was blackmailed about it afterwards.

He is a puppet. They thought he would swing young voters to the democrat cause, but they didn't count on that Bernie gained his own cult of personality and that these new young Democrat "progressives" are Bernie followers, not necessarily Democrats.

Trump will win because of this.
Kek willing.

Kek. Also:

(((Debbie Wasserman Schultz)))

Daily reminder to bernfaggots that Sanders lost by 4 million votes. He never had the popular vote

He was only 300 delegates down, or something. Dems had way more delegates than Republicans, so 300 is nothing.

Even with the DNC going balls out for Hillary. He was still that close.

Even NOW, the superdelegates could still drive him over but they wont.

And after finding out that his supporter's donations were wasted alongside their energy and time. All Bernie Sanders could do last night is bend over and take Hillary's big, throbbing, purple cock up his tightwad, Jewish ass so he could suck up to the same people he's been telling to go fuck themselves since his career began.

He's literally a fucking cuckold and his supporters are just as bad if they're going to support Shillary.

>implying leaf's can't be redpilled.

Outside the bernouts liberals don't even care.

Assange needs to deliver a big blow

>Hillary doesnt care about the "team" or anyone but her own power

You are correct. And it is so obvious. Her Clinton Foundation emails (that Assange said he will release later and that would send her to prison, btw) will be revelations.

Bernie should show more dignity.

Also, does anyone wonder if the BLM ladies were a plant by the DNC? Easily done.

remember like a month ago when hilldog officially clinched the nomination but bernfags still cried "I-IT'S NOT OVER TIL THE CONVENTION, HE CAN STILL GET THE SUPER DELEGATES"
i'm fucking laughing so hard. i love this election so fucking much. never in my life have i seen so many libcuck subhuman tears and i'm drinking up every last one of them

>still pondering on whether or not bernie is a cuck

So where were YOU when Bernie betrayed his followers by throwing his support behind a corporate puppet?

300 delegates down is an insurmountable lead in the democratic race. No democrat nominee has won when down by 300 delegates. Sanders would have to secure 90% of the supers to get the nomination, it's not happening

>you're redpilled

The best moment was when Clinton won California after bernouts claimed for months that Sanders had it in the bag and it would win him the nomination. The tears were sweet that night

It was their youth outreach director for Maryland, a bernie campaign guy told me she wasted tons of money and lots of people's time and ended up deleting the records of the people they registered. Now she works for clinton

It's pretty damning.

>They were caught
>It's no big deal though!

Hillary, the Democratic Party, and the Mainstream Media were colluding against Bernie.

Hillary's campaign has been stealing money from down ticket democrat campaigns for years. In order to fund her own campaign.

hillary's campaign and super PACs were coordinating illegally.

Consider that by the time California had come up, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was telling everyone it was over.

Suppressed the Cali vote somewhat I think.

And she only got 60 more out of 475 total.

Would he have won if he had a juggernaut going coming into California?

If the DNC hadn't cheated Bernie.

millions of uncounted votes in the California primary.

NY primary has statistical anomalies. that point towards hillary votes being inflated and bernie votes depressed.

nevada primary caucus convention. hillary supporters started changing rules to bias against bernie. bernie supporters started protesting. So hillary camp brought in local sheriff dept to intimidate the bernie camp.

in various other caucuses. votes were being run by people in hillary tee shirts.

bill clinton shows up at Massachusetts primary polling stations. causing disruptions and delays possibly causing some people to not be able to vote. Can also be seen as illegal campaigning activities near the polling station.

Bernie got so fucked. The DNC stole his chance.

And he is in the position of being forced to try to get the people who believed in his ideology to vote for Hillary.

One of the people who cheated him.

>>Debbie Wasserman Schultz
>Is there anyone in America who isn't a Jew?

Not that matters, no.

Fuck! I am now a trumpfag.


I was holding back tears of betrayal.

I see everything she does now as a mockery. She cheated. She lied. She stole the primary elections from a better man.

Interesting that Debbie Wasserman Schultz wanted to try to play Bernie off against the religious Southern Baptists in West Virginia and other places.

Since Bernie was atheistic, she wanted to use the religion of the Southerners as some kind of a weapon against Bernie.

What kind of immoral mind does that?


If people were stupid enough to believe the race was over then then that's on them. Sanders didnt just lose, he lost badly and all of his supporters who thought everyone was on their side refused to see reality and continued to whine

Clintella de Hill's solution for disgruntled Bernie supporters


>Kek thread appears
>Prostitution thread appears
>Is porn degenerate? thread appears


If your opponent takes away one of your Knights, both of your Bishops and one Rook, how does she get to call the chess game fair?

They are trying hard to slide, it is true.

Hillary shills must be worth their money.

do you think wikileaks is waiting for the Hilary nomination to release the new leaks???

>Trump has enough bad characteristics of his own
Please list them with evidence my shill bro.



I think we will learn a LOT about her postings after the nomination, from what Assange has said.

She will be shown to be immoral and criminal.

So will Bill.

So will others.

A whole lot of people would be wishing Bernie had won in a month or so, I predict.

Including all of Hillary's family and friends, no doubt.


Hillary is clearly using Black Lives Matter people as patsies and proxies and doesn't think highly of Blacks.

It will be interesting to see what her emails say.

Very interesting.

i just hope this bitch will burn!!

I bet she drops a ton of racial slurs and shows herself to be a thoroughly conniving and sneaky person.

Is that supposed to be black pete?

This was before the internet.

I bet they never thought it would ever get out.

Also, you just know Hillary went all night talking like she imagined a Black woman speaks.

Fuckoff mindless shill.



The bad - Evidence that the DNC actively conspired with the Clinton campaign to undermine the other candidates in the race and even manipulate the media narrative. While not, strictly speaking, illegal (these activities fall just barely on the legal side of being electoral fraud) they should, at the very least, be extremely disconcerting to anyone remotely concerned with the impartiality of the electoral process.

The worse - Evidence that the Democratic Party promised government committee positions to donors in exchange for donations, which is a federal crime.

pupil heart clinton pepe notes?