Why isn't it like this?
Australian states
Base map.
Because most of those new states have next to no people living in them.
That's why you put a incentive for people to move into those New states building more infrastructure in those states for housing and whatnot.
because no one lives inside this black line
because its desert and largely uninhabitable
the yellow "state" at the top isnt even a proper state as it doesnt have enough people.
the green areas are inhabited. the rest isnt with a few minor exceptions
there's literally red rock desert covering the entire interior of australia you fucking moron. it's totally dry and uninhabitable
please stick to fried koolaid and mass shootings, this is clearly not your area of expertise
It's not inhabitable
Australia is not desert
It's arid grassland
It just needs water
Now the question is WHY would you want to live in an arid grassland where you need to spend more energy pumping water from acquirers when there is still plenty of land in the temperate and subtropical areas that receive plenty of rain
I live inside the black line. The nicest places to live in Australia are all within the black line while all the capitals are complete shitholes infested with asians and shitskins