ITT movies you'll probably never see.
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ITT movies you'll probably never see.
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Why? It comes out in Blu Ray in the West in August. It'll even have a dub
You were a fool to make this thread
No I mean by choice.
It looks downright terrible.
theres a few really good moments great music the rest is pretty weak and cheesy
>terrible cgi
>godzilla is lame as fuck
>shitty acting
>full of japanese character tropes
it's pretty shit and anyone who says they like it is just pretending because it's japanese weeb shit
>implying there won't be two other Godzilla movies released between then and now to make people forget
>implying it won't cost $30 because Funimation
Shin Godzilla is easily the best Godzilla movie. Or at least my favorite. There is a scene in which a jazz song plays and it shows shots of the town. I love that shit. You don't get that in other Godzillas.
Googly eyes Godzilla was hilariosu.
The scene in the middle of the movie where Godzilla has the beam breath while the city was burning was hot spicy kino
I just got done watching the original Godzilla just now, and while I thought it was neat and all how it was a symbolic history lesson on post-WW2 Japan, or whatever, it was a chore to watch some of the time. I liked it though.
I'd kill for a Godzilla themed Hawaiian shirt.
Legit question. Did the jumpcuts bother anyone else? Shamefully, this was my first Japanese Godzilla movie. But are they all like that? The shitty subs and constant jumpcuts, made me quit watching after 20 minutes or so.