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Gotta keep that up for some more prequel sequels :^)

Don't worry the three sequels will explain it all.

>Gotta keep that up for some more prequel sequels :^)


>engineers created goo to help them conquer worlds
>humans created androids to help them conquer worlds
>goo and android go out of control and get together and create xenomorphs to conquer worlds

What is so difficult to understand

Holy shit

It's like pottery

Only thing i don't get is why David even dropped the goo on the engineers? I thought they were going to get answers not kill them all, and he hadn't gone insane by that point. Also why did the ship crash in the forest after he dropped the goo? Also every single engeneer on the whole planet was outside in that courtyard, not a single one was able to get to cover and survive or escape?

I really liked the movie and thought it was 10x better than Prometheus but that one scene just seemed like a really weak link to me.

Humans went to that ancient space ship to find answers, to find meaning. The old guy talked about what comes after death and he believed he could find the truth with this expedition. They awoke that primeval man from his sleep to get these answers, since that guy, who belongs to the race that created mankind, is the closest they have to a god. Him chimping out and killing everyone instead of answering their prayers alludes that there is no deeper meaning, there is no final answer. There is just nothing.
It's like people that devote their entire life to their religion and then God gives leukemia to their toddler.

Engineers didn't create mankind

stop asking pesky questions goy

be sure to watch the (((next movie))) for the FULL STORY

ridley can't write for shit

why the fuck would a space roman planet only have 1 ship in the entire city and no defence systems for unidentified space ships.

David doesn't need answers, is not looking for meaning. He's not religious. He's a robot with a god complex and he knows it.
>Weyland final words: There's nothing..
>David: I know. Have a good journey, Mr Weyland

>why David even dropped the goo on the engineers?
He doesn't need them and they were getting in his way to create a perfect descendent

>Also why did the ship crash in the forest after he dropped the goo?
Unexplained, but not important. Maybe air battle against some engineer air defenses?
>not a single one was able to get to cover and survive or escape?
the black goo killed all the animal life on the whole planet. Remember the "listen, no birds" line?

Did they not? I thought the scene at the beginning meant that the one guy spread his DNA on earth and it would eventually led to humans evolving.

The sacrifice scene was on the planet they visit in prometheus.

Was it unidentified? All the engineers were cheering when it was landing. They thought some of their own were coming home.

This. They thought their buzz Aldrin was coming back

Also, look on this scene how David is truly Weyland's son. Expect some dirty hubris to get him in the next film and complete the Paradise Lost allegory.

Where does it say that? Also the DNA of the engineers matches human DNA and cultures that made the cave paintings revered the engineers as gods. So there is at least reason for the expedition members to believe the engineers created mankind.

>one city is the whole planet

Well thats clearly some headcanon bullshit right there.

It's because we killed jesus.

I dont know if people are baiting or full retard.

The theatrical version explains it pretty fine. Use your fucking brain instead of waiting for exposition. God, capeshit really melts the brain of the people. No wonder people had trouble following the plot Batman v shitman.

Even then if you still need the exposition because you are too retarded to extrapolate the theme from the movie alone, you have a deleted escene with extended dialog.

The ending of Prometheus was all about Shaw desiring to find the Engineer homeworld and get the answer to her question of why they hate us. It was very explicit in the dialogue and actions on screen.

Alien Covenant gives us nothing? Not even a living Shaw? Its mind boggingly dumb like Prometheus.

David ask if he could suck the engineers cock because he's a robot faggot

>I thought they were going to get answers not kill them all
He learned about them in detail after Shaw went under. He beings we see on the planet are probably what humans were destined to become if we had not killed space jesus.

You are supposed to come up with your own answers based on what you see and what you "choose" to believe.

He decided that the engineers and humanity were weak and flawed compared to him and his goal was to stop them from spreading. They seek to colonise and save their race from mortality, but David believes they aren't worthy. It doesn't look like he takes any joy from it either, he looks very conflicted when he drops the goo on the engineers. But when the humans arrive he's pretty much eager to commit more genocide.

Was there ever an explanation as to how Deacons could be made without the convoluted process that took place in Prometheus?

Did they ever explain why David was murderous to begin with?

Why were some of the black goo containers just stored on the ground in dirt and not on some shelves, or like the other ones?

Why does black goo that breaks down your DNA first make squid babies?

People hated Prometheus, and often highlighted the film's religious themes as ineffective and confusing, so they dropped that angle in Covenant and focused on David going full Dr. Mengele.

This meant that Dr. Shaw would have had to take the back seat and, if that was the case, there was no reason to waste casting budget on Noomi Rapace. It's not that hard to understand.

All you faggots hated Prometheus when it came out, I don't know how you can complain that Scott listened to your complaints when making the sequel.

Guys. what if david engineered humans and sent the embryos to earth on an FTL space capsule

>tfw covenant turned out worse than prometheus

>original cut was 2'5 hours long

My question

If David is responsible for the creation of the Eggs in the year 2104 then how do they end up on a crashed ship that's thousands of years old in the year 2122 and how were they in AvP?