Redpill me on Mormons Sup Forums. Are they really Christian?

Redpill me on Mormons Sup Forums. Are they really Christian?

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No. The last legit schism was with the protestants. You just have to look at the schism diagram in the wikipedia article. It clearly indicates what's up.

Their theology is radically different from Christianity. They have their own new revelation and an understanding of God that has diverged radically. If they are Christians than Protestants are Jews.

They believe in Jesus Christ don't they?



But wouldn't anything stemming from Christianity be Christian? Also, I was thinking more along the lines of how is what they believe different from mainstream Christianity?

It's a 19th century American flavor of Protestantism.

Created when America is obtaining its own national identity.

They follow the bible, but have their own additional book allegedly found in the woods by Joseph Smith and 12 dudes. He was a man lost in faith with so many other demoninations, and God apparently directed him to a grove with the gold tablet.

There's some wacky shit like God being sort of a planar being and there being three different heavens. Native Americans are long lost exiled Jews. Garden of Eden was somewhere in the mid west. No drinking or smoking. Very nationalistic.

In that case Moslems are Christian.

Is christianity Judaism? It stemmed from Judaism
Is Islam Judaism?

Mormonism isn't Christian because they don't follow Christ, that's it

They're just as bad as jews. They only hire mormons and will cover up any crimes within in their community

Brigham Young is the American Mohammad. When they set up in Utah they created a bloody theocratic regime and even murdered settlers while disguised as indians. Brigham and Smith also did that "hey, God revealed that I am supposed to have your wife, so hand her over" thing Mohamed was fond of.

It's an insane cult that somehow managed to stabilize, they are Christian because they believe in Christ but their doctrine and theology is very different from other sects.

They are not bad people, I have known a few.

Yes, this is true but the organization eventually left most of that madness behind. They are still the Muslims of Christians I suppose.

No, they are not.

They are poly-theists.

They believe that God is just the God of our particular world. They believe that good Mormons who lived in this world can eventually become Gods of their own worlds.

Christianity asserts a few things
- There is only one God
- He exists in three persons: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit
- All have sinned, and fall short of the standard required to be in community with God (Heaven)
- None may, on their own merit, works, or goodness ever overcome their sinfulness and meet God's standards
- All therefore require redemption
- Once Christ appeared on Earth, there was no longer any way to get into Heaven, apart from accepting Christ as your redeemer

>American protestant doctrine is the only kind of Christianity that exists

literally the muslims of christianity as joseph smith, a historically proven con artist, used memes to convince others to pervert christianity

>there is only one god
>there are 3 gods
trinitarians, you guys crack me up

Christian-American fanfiction

>celestial sex with infinite space waifus and also black people are black because God hates them

these are memes that I can get behind

Never met a trinitarian that believed in "three gods"

Literally the only main difference is that they believe the Trinity is not one being

All others replying to this thread have no clue what they're talking about

t. I've gone to Mormon church before

also blatant idolatry if ur a papist
be it saint worship or genuine images of people in your places of worship and graven images
and wtf is up with proddys allowing divorce? it's like the one thing that jesus explicitly told you not to do

>>American protestant doctrine is the only kind of Christianity that exists

There is only one church. There is only one Christianity.

There are zillions of fractures and divisions on Earth. It's sad. I think some of those people are saved, and some are not.

Each of us has to decide, based on the facilities given to us, what theology seems correct.

God will judge, and He will not make any mistakes.

I happen to think that the path is pretty narrow. I would love to be wrong. I want everyone to be saved - but based on my understanding, I don't think that's what will happen.

But what a joy, if that's how it actually works out, right?

also, then hindus are also monotheists because there is like one god that all of them are weird facets of.
seriously though, you can't actually believe that the whole jesus /father thing is not polytheism

>Literally the only main difference is that they believe the Trinity is not one being

Please do not deceive, Mormon bro.

The multi-planetary/multi-dimensional thing is part of Mormonism.

And it's important, because it underlies many strange sacraments in the Mormon church - like post-death/spirit marriages.

Mormons are pretty great Americans, usually. It's a shame that they are spiritually misled.

Being right with God is more important than being a Great American.

Lmao you have no idea what you're talking about. They religion is very Christian in the way they accept Jesus as savior. They just have a few things (Trinity) messed up.
And I'm Methodist.

I literally had a Mormon guy explaining the whole theology to me and telling me how great it was, what is saying about Mormons believing that they can become gods themselves is what my friend (a Mormon convert) was explaining to me.

Sounds fun to be a God. Finally make pokemanz real.

why are the mormons who you see on the streets either islanders/Somalians/fijians or boring dorky white kids?

Christfags are just jelly that Mormons actually become happy, decent people thanks to their faith and they don't have degenerate, rebellious offspring.

Yes, they are, however they are not Nicene Christians, and are close to the thoughts of Arius.

Also, Polygamist Mormon, AMA.
>No we don't have orgies
>No I won't post photos of my family on Sup Forums

Most Mormons are White, Pacific islanders, or Brazilian. Most of the Brazilians do their mission work in Brazil.

do your wives get jealous when you sleep with a different one each night? have you had sex with more than one of them at once?

Raised Mormon, mostly red-pilled, traditional as fuck girls. As I see it they play up to the we are Christian card but they're not really. Christ is central to most of the doctrine allegedly; aside from the fact members hero worship Apostles. Has been useful as a business network though.

Are polygamist Mormons really mormons? I have a friend whose mormon and he said you guys are heritics.

They will be the last white people on earth that's for sure

Which one gives the best blowies? Your wife or your son?

No. They are not true Christians.

But they make lots of white people. And they are only a threat to their own young women. They do use young women as a recruiting tool.

Mormonism has the best lore, you can't deny that.
A FUCKING ARK vs Space Jesus? No contest.

I understand what you are saying, personally though I have a hard time with this concept of walking a tightrope to salvation, American Gladiators-style with God himself reaching down trying to knock us off into the lake of fire with a big padded Q-tip and a gun that shoots tennis balls.

I have trouble reconciling the multifaceted nature of creation and the many different aspects of reality, the in fathomable depth of that which lies outside the realm of our immediate senses, the additional mysteries that arise from every bit of new knowledge, it makes it difficult for me to accept the concept that God is sitting there like a handrubbing merchant lawyer with a hooked nose as big as the universe itself, cackling to himself as he thumbs through infinitely vast books of subclauses and loopholes designed to jew us all into a lake of fire for the slightest transgression.

I'm not saying that you are wrong, only that that interpretation seems implausible to me.

We are not members of the salt lake church, any who becomes a polygamist gets excommunicated. Most of the Mormon polygamists groups left the church in the early 1900s and have done there own thing for over 100 years now.

The big groups are
FLDS (Warren Jeff and his sickness)
First Ward/Centennial park
Labraon offshoots

Jealousy is always a issue. 99.99 percent of the time it just one man, one woman at the time.


They are modern Gnostic heretics that undermine the divinity of Christ and spread a false Gospel. Let me put it another way, if a Mormon converted to Orthodoxy they would have to be baptized again, whereas a mainline Protestant would not.

Mormonism is up there with Scientology.

Their prophet John Smith found some gold tablets from God about a hundred years ago, and couldn't read them until he put on a magic hat.

Thanks for the response. Do you guys all sleep in the same bed together? If not do you guys have like a schedule of who sleeps in the bed? Not trolling just genuinely interested. Thanks for answering questions!

>I have a hard time with this concept of walking a tightrope to salvation, American Gladiators-style with God himself reaching down trying to knock us off into the lake of fire with a big padded Q-tip and a gun that shoots tennis balls.
What if I could sum it into "Life is trials"?

Nigger just go to a Mormon church and find out yourself. Why are you asking basement dwellers about shit you can just go experience yourself.

How can you bear to have multiple wives? I've just got the one and I already spend most days wanting to pound a screwdriver through my own face

Mormonism is a Christian fanfiction, like Islam.

There is a schedule. The wives actually set it up, and it arranged by their schedules and if we are trying for a baby and so on. I have a small calendar at work that reminds me who night it is.

Used to live by an FLDS temple. So much Mormon style arguing and point winning, actually hilarious looking back on it.

They also believe that black people aren't humans.

Not hating black people is very important to a good life.

Mormonism sets you up for failure.

You have to marry the right ones. It is a lot of work to keep the wives up and our kids up.

Unless you lived in Texas, you where not near a FLDS temple. the only temples in the UK are LDS.

"Less Valiant in the war in heaven" is what they wear actually, makes me laugh.

No. The definition of Christian hinges on how you view Jesus. If you don't believe he's the only Son of God, fully divine and fully human, you are not a Christian. Muslims believe a lot of what the NT says about Jesus but not that he's the Son of God so they're not Christian. Mormons believe Jesus is the Spirit brother of Lucifer so they are heretics not Christians. Same for Jehovah's Witnesses who believe Jesus isn't divine.

But Jesus drank wine all the time

The mainstream church never taught that, and they gave the priesthood to blacks before most of you where born.

The No drinking is a community rule to help those who have problem drinking not be tempted. Same goes with gambling.

It kind of depends on what you mean by "Christian".

The Roman Catholic church doesn't consider Mormonism to be true form of Christianity, strictly speaking. This is because Mormon beliefs about the Trinitarian God and Jesus don't conform to what the Catholic Church considers essential for real Christianity. There are other theological things that differ enough to be disqualifying. I don't know what non-Catholic churches think about whether or not Mormonism is a type of Christianity, because I'm Catholic.

That said, Mormons seems like sincere people who are incredibly nice and pleasant to be around, and they love their families and religion and country, and I basically have no problem with them whatsoever. Either Mormons tend to be really cool or they are really good at faking it.

they are tolerable. i live in az so there are tons here. they are very productive and law abiding people, much respect to them. most that i know are successful. im not religious so i couldnt tell you if they are christian, but their religion seems a little more wacko than your average christian.

>Mormon Jesus

I know an old, very mormon couple with three adult children.

All have been heavy drug users their entire lives. All have been involved in domestic abuse at one time or another. All have multiple children of their own where every single one has a different father. All have abused their children. All have been in and out of prison.

One is a violent criminal. One used to suck dick for drugs. One was a stripper. She's the best off of the three.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows. I moved to Utah a few years ago. The mormons may seem nice, but they're just as shitty as anyone else. They're just shitty with a smile on their face.

why are you on this board? I am a Christian myself but I imagine with the discipline of the Mormon faith a lot of stuff on this board would go against your views

They are true goyim.

If you want to take a broader view of what "Christian" means, that isn't so rigid theologicall, then you could consider them Christian, I guess. The slope starts to get a little more slippery though. Jesus is an important figure in Islam, but Islam definitely is not a form of Christianity.

I mostly post on Sup Forums in the webm thread.
I come over to Pol when there is a "happening" as it a good way to learn things quickly as long as you can filter out the memes and bull. I here today due to the french priest being beheaded by ISIS.

What about the 0.01%

They're good people, but they keep to themselves and their children are the worst (only G rated movies, no sugar, no soda, no coffee, etc).
Try opening a business in Utah. You WILL fail.

>Also, their founder was arrested 3 times for fraud before the age of 16.
>He and his father told farmers there was treasure but they needed money to defeat a daemon guarding it.
>He then said there were 14th century Quakers living on the moon.
>He also said that his first (((second wife))) had to sleep with him or else he would kill her.
>He was killed after threatening to kill anyone who didn't succumb to him.
>17 people claimed to see the plates, all but 1 reversed their claims before they died.
>When Mormons went west, they killed everyone they found, keeping the women to themselves.
>Brigham Young wrote diaries where he castrated teenage boys to stop them from lusting over the enslaved women he had captured.

Jesus isn't lord though, according to Mormons.
They don't believe in the trinity.

Joseph Smith was given golden plates by God.
Less than 200 years ago.
And yet- in a country who's soil has never been invaded. In a land that has never had a natural catastrophe. By a church that has never been pillaged- nobody has ever seen these plats. Plates from God that would prove all other religions false.

Joseph Smith was a charlatan who created a cult for the sole purpose of raping multiple underage girls with the community's consent.

End of conversation.

Apologies. RFLDS/ Community of Chridt ward. I grew up in the north of England.

Why can't you guys drink coffee or tea while junk food is totally okay? Do you ever talk about this? (Since lots of mormons - guys only - I've talked to were quite fat)

Its not hard to know what is Christian and What is NOT Christian. Christianity literally wrote down the tenets of the faith in AD 325. If you believe these things, you are a Christian. If you don't believe them you are not.

1. >We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible.

2. >In one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God,] Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father;

3. >Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man;

4. >He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven;

5. >From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

6. >And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spake by the prophets.

7. >In one holy catholic and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

What about Jehova's Witnesses?
I see a lot more of them on the streets with their signs than Mormons.

Christianity stem from Pagan sun worship does that make Christianity pagan?

daily reminder that Mormons worship the honeybee and desire a society set up like a beehive with an all powerfull queen and all female workers
Utah's state highway signs are shaped like beehives and they originally tried to name Utah Deseret, the made up mormon word for honeybee

And your proof of this claim?

Jehovah witnesses follow predestination and reject the final judgement.

So no. They are not Christian either.

> youtube> newnamenoah

I can't help but suspect that the trials and tribulations that God puts us through are for a purpose much more subtle and profound than "do you get dropped into the fire now, or do you move on to the next trial?"

My suspicion, and perhaps this is fundamentally heretical, is that the concepts of heaven and hell are a way of expressing a kind of abstraction that is too complex for the mind of man.

>they also believe that blacks aren't humans

Well shit sign me up

All the same to me... athiest here.
I don't think that Mormons beliefs are any more ridiculous than mainstream.

Guy walks on water, raises dead, feeds 1000's with a couple fish...

No harder to swallow than Space Jesus, special drawers, or magic gold tablets no one else can see.

They also reject the Trinity.

It's a meme religion created by one man, similar to Islam and Scientology.

No worries.

RLDS are a odd bunch.

There is a scripture called the words of wisdom. It bans coffee, tea, and tobacco.

Now mind you, I am a polygamist, and in polygamist circles it a personal choice to follow it. In the mainstream church that is 99.5 percent of Mormons, it a important thing.

The offical reason is that
>At the time Tobacco, coffee and Tea were produced by slaves, and the church was always anti-slavery, and now it tradition
>It provides a calm mind for your mind and spirit
>It for your health.

In regards to the health, Mormons do live longer then the general population. the Snark in me says that the main reason is that after the church gave up polygamy they wanted something religious that was unique.

Honestly scientology is more believable than Mormonism. That shit is just so wacky I have no idea how millions are convinced by it

Its got a nice hook. Wouldn't you want to be the God of your own planet?

My feeling with regard to Jehova's Witnesses is that they are not behaving according to the spirit of the instructions of Jesus. They follow some sayings literally such as breaking apart families to gain greater rewards in the afterlife, but the teachings themselves are a corruption of the Word. I have known some Witnesses who seemed to be good people. I believe they are misled.

The only good thing about Mormons are that their women tend to be pretty fucking hot.

L Ron Hubbard was pissed off about paying taxes.
He attacked the government for letting churches exist tax free.
Scientology is a tax shelter, nothing more. He never expected it to be taken seriously, he only wanted enough recognition to qualify for tax free status.
He's rolling over in his grave about how guillable people are.

mormon is literally scientology tier bullshit

>clam ghosts attached to you detectable with an e-meter and ancient space aliens flying in space in jet airplane spaceships and getting tricked into jumping into volcanoes by evil space emperor
it's obvious why Hubbard had to create a religion, there's no way he could survive as a science fiction writer with such shitty ideas

No they believe in the most retarded stuff like how their prophet made up a whole rule book by looking at some gold tablets only get could see in some hat. He then basically got lots of girls to bang him saying how holy it was. He is the definition of a con man. Plus it's indoctrination and forcing you to stay in put it on the fence between being a cult.
Pic related it's the stupid sacred underwear they have to have on
God hates faggots

It's a really dumb religion, but then again so are all Abrahamic religions.

Sure, people can follow things and still be good people. I've met Good Muslims after all. It does not remove the fact however that their beliefs are in error.

What bugs me about Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons is not that they have a different belief system to Christianity, but rather, their insistence that they ARE Christians, or at the very least, just another of the many denominations of Christianity.

This is not true however. Both Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses reject the trinity, and the ultimate judgment of Jesus Christ. This alone makes them "not Christian". But it hardly stops at that point either, and their error leads to some whacky beliefs. Like JW's not being allowed blood transfusions, or Mormon underwear.

Just a rundown on what are Mormon/LDS churches.

LDS church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) - main church, 15 million members, what most people think when you say Mormons.

RLDS/Community of Christ - Mormons that didn't go to Utah. Now very liberal and not very Mormon. There are a few breakaways from this that I do not know much about.

AUB - Largest Polygamist group, they dress normally

FLDS - women wear Parie dresses , now lead by the Jeff Family. Kiddydiddliers

2nd Ward/Centennial Park - People who were FLDS but didn't like the Jeffs formed this church.

Blackmore group - Group in canada that left the FLDS due to the Jeffs.

Kingsons - Group based in Salt Lake. Large families, may have inbreeding issues.

Labarons - Moved to mexico, quite a few fragments, I am a member of one of these groups.

then really small groups that have less then 1000 people.

>beliefs of my specific branch of Christianity are automatically believed by all Christians hurr durr

If they reject the Council of Nicaea, they are not Christians. That is literally the one thing Catholics, Orthodox and Protestant churches agree on.

As long as they follow the New Testament.