>"She'll say anything and change nothing", Barack on Hillary Clinton, 2008


> if she is elected
Well that defeats the purpose doesn't it?
Dumbass are supposed to leave BEFORE so she doesn't win

Bernie bots are going to hand the presidency to Trump with a childish temper-tantrum.

At this point I'm convinced that the Republicans could have nominated a pineapple on a stick that spouts anti-Islam memes and it'd still be neck-and-neck in the polls.

What do you mean"could have"?

I thought that's what they did.

Pineapple/coconut 2016

Wew lad

All these bernie assholes used to laugh at conservatives when they were told the media was biased and controlled by liberals. I don't feel sorry for them

Lol he's prolly do it...because he's so old he'll croak and leave the party that way

They can still stay but not vote for her.

I'm still waiting for something interesting to happen at the DNC, the media promised me happenings and all I got was a bunch of faggots crying

You know I have to hand it to these fucking Bernie people, they really went beyond the usual fickle "omg I'm on the blue team because the red team is icky :(((" politics and actually supported the guy because they believed in him.

Good for them for having real political principles.

Bernie fags are incredibly pathetic.

boo hoo berncucks, you got less votes, that's how this shit works, go cry about it at the vapers lounge of your local interracial breeding grounds


Guys, you don't understand. Bernie is still in the race, he had to endorse Hillary in order to obey the DNC rules. Look up FDR. He endorsed his opponent and ended up winning, which is exactly the same situation Bernie is in. So don't abandon Bernie yet! #StillSanders #SeeYouInPhilly #NeverTrump #NeverHillary #Stein2016

Many of them are communists, the displaced blue collar workers who loved Bernie have my respect to some extent, and I think they will be the trump crossover voters

You have to understand that a big chunk of Bernie bots are avowed socialists

90% of them are with her it's over Bernie cucks

This is why the Demexit's been scheduled for Thursday, as opposed to right this minute. Hope and the house sparrow are both things with feathers.

I just re-mortgaged my house, sold my wife's daughter to a Saudi prince, and emptied my retirement fund to donate to Bernie. #matchme

>90% of them are with her

Good digits, my friend, but that poll is as trustworthy as any other poll.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding that pic
What's wrong with supporting teachers? Or do they mean supporting teacher unions?

Or am I missing something?

This is our opportunity to red pill them for Trump.

Avoid mocking, or, polarizig Berners. I stead empathize with them while reinforcing how corrupt the democratic party is.

Nothing will happen the Republicans are done the dems rule the world now too many gibsmedats for too long they will finally have their utopia.

Bernie supporters are scum. They're a neccessary evil right now in order to debase the left, but they belong to perish in the flames.

The shear fact they didn't boo him off the stage last night told me all I need to know.

This desu

> the media promised me happenings and all I got was a bunch of faggots crying
I also overestimated how disappointed the Bernouts were by his endorsement.

I thought they might stand for something more

Do Black Lives really matter to Hillary?

As a long-time democrat and a major Hillary supporter, I just don't get you bernie voters. My wife's son has been trying to convince me to vote for bernie for the past year and it's really starting to get old. He's not even old enough to to vote and all he does now is just throw temper tantrums. it's obvious that bernie was the candidate for children and any respectable democrat will be voting hillary

Amazing game

Obama tried and failed in a Congress and Senate that was against him.

only the superpredators she wants to bring to heel

You don't have to disagree on somethibg 100% user

This meme is worn out

>not #DEMXIT

I don't understand how her well documented history of racism isn't a talking point while Trump is condemned as racist by the masses because reasons.


>wife's son
forty keks

fund it

Yeah, some of them were just naive kids truly believing in their cause, they didn't deserve to be backstabbed by their own fucking party. I also respect them for not shutting up like good little goyim and instead making their voices heard. This rigged system with pre-determined outcomes needs to be shaken up.

Make sure not to rub salt in the wounds of Bernouts on your sockpuppet twitter accounts
Act like one of them, console them, prey on them

he didn't do shit when the house was liberal run either


After he used the filibuster proof majority to ram through the ACA, which Pelosi said needed to be passed in order to find out what was in it and has proven to be not what was promised.

It's like pic related on your wife for your wedding night and being surprised that she isn't willing to get in the sack with you afterwords.

Like that wouldn't be fucking awesome to have as a president

>damage control


Make America tropical again

I'm still registered as a Democrat from ten years ago, just never bothered changing even though I don't vote for them.

I think I'll unregister when they do just to make a slightly bigger impact.

I like the idea of using 2008 Obama against Hillary now.


This fire up those twitters you faggots.

That's actually a better meme than any Bernie Outs could make for Berns.

Actually, he pushed the ACA through after the Dems lost the filibuster proof majority. There were a handful of Repubs that supported it.

Thanks brah. We should make a fuck ton of tropical themed political memes

Hes got my vote

This shouldn't be so funny