This family blames MSM for the lack of public outrage, but they forget BLM started as a grassroots movement of hashtags, sit-ins, and chimpouts.
Over 60% of the country is white, but there hasn't been any notable nationwide outrage for this guy, or for Devin Guilford, or for Samantha Ramsey. Whites could trend shit on twitter, organize marches and protests, etc. You can't blame MSM if they haven't.
The reason is because because #AllLivesMatter, and all violent cop bootlickers CAN'T admit any wrongdoing by police in these cases without admitting that BLM has been right all along about Officer Friendly.
Booker T Washington wrote in Up From Slavery that anything you see happening to blacks will soon spread to the general population. It happened with crack and heroin, and it's starting to happen with police brutality. Enjoy your "law and order."
>wins the global lottery by being born in USA >get shot by cops >price worth paying >see if he likes being reincarnated in Bangladesh
Jackson King
Once the poster boys for police reform become white then white people hijack the media attention and the movement becomes a movement for white people by white people. That's probably why BLM stays BLM, they probably don't feel that they should need to put a white kid's face on a poster to get recognition.
>Booker T Washington wrote in Up From Slavery that anything you see happening to blacks will soon spread to the general population. My favorite right now is how they're being displaced by automation and can't retire off of low-skilled labor anymore and can't deal with it. Also I started seeing a lot more white people waiting for buses after the recession. They probably can't cope with the fact that their lives aren't going to be better than everyone else's anymore.
Joseph Roberts
If a white guy acts like a nigger when dealing with the cops, then he should expect the same consequences for those nigger actions. You can call people who deal with the police in a polite and respectful manner bootlickers all you want, but what you can't call them murder victims.
Jace Lee
People don't or can't associate with "Black Lives Matter" because it was made very clear that it's not about society, or even police brutality - more specifically it is only about Blacks facing alleged police brutality - even more specific it's when a white cop inflicts alleged brutality on blacks, an exceptionally rare statistic all things considered.
I mean, you knew this already. You made a measured write up meaning you know what the statistics are. You weighed the prospect of whites being killed more often, and you don't care about that. You don't even care about police brutality, you only care about black lives. You are given an out, and a solution to deescalate and fix this problem you proposed - instead of doing this you are escalating. Meaning "the conversation" is done and that you only seek conflict.
Hudson Reyes
>unarmed >tried to run over the cop in his car
this is BLM tier bullshit
Adam Price
Haha this is true. Almost all cop shootings are justified. They know the shit they could get into if they don't have a good reason to shoot.
Half the country seems to think Obama has a campaign out to make sure police get away with raw brutal executions anytime they want. Which is total nonsense considering he is the one pushing racial divide and tension in the country.