Which character are you looking forward to seeing again 25 years later lol

For me, it is Albert Rosenblatt.

Oh wait - fuck Lynch.

Cooper, though I'm hoping for a surprise Harry or Bowie cameo, when asked of Bowie filmed anything before he died Frost said he couldn't say anything.

Might as well post this

"In the first run of Twin Peaks, I play Shelley Johnson who is a waitress at the R&R Diner. But this time around you just don’t know who I might play… cause David Lynch is tricky that way and some people are not playing their original characters."

Pretty iteresting

I'm currently watching the pilot. truman and cooper go so well together I'm starting to become worried the new season will suck without him.

hows annie doing anyway?

Ben Horne

I woke up today with Just You stuck in my head but then it turned into the New Shoes theme and all was well.

Cooper goes well with everyone though desu

Obviously Cooper but Leland

The pilot feels so different to me, as if they rewrote the show between the pilot and the second episode. Cooper is straight-up creepy, doesn't have the same heroic quality. Meanwhile, Truman is more likeable. The answer in my head is that they originally wrote Truman with Robert Forster in mind, got MIchael Ontkean, realized he didn't have the chops to be the central character of an ensemble, and rewrote the show to be more Cooper-driven.

Man from Another Place
The Gianr