Holy shit we almost died and we're STILL BLIND edition.
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Holy shit we almost died and we're STILL BLIND edition.
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le blindwave dalek reaction is on channel btw
He's not going to kill Bill, it would contradict pretty much everything he's trying to do with her (and he literally just did the companion death storyline, he couldn't even go through with it then). Moffat would only kill a companion if he was trying to say something about them and they were no longer a viewpoint character. Bill is supposed to be us learning about the Doctor again through her eyes, including how scary he is. It would make sense to culminate with someone else dying e.g. Nardole, but not with Bill herself getting whacked after a short as fuck run. Also it would be a terrible look for the first PoC companion in a decade and first gay one ever to just wind up dead straight away. Imagine being a kid who has a rare chance to identify the marginalised parts of themselves in the lead on Doctor Who, feel like they wouldn't be implicitly excluded or sidelined in this universe, and then having to just watch them get killed and be dead forever to stoke other characters' angst. Total balltap.
Which moron voted for TGWD?
i really hope that spoilered bit is some kind of hilarious tumblr pastiche and you're not seriously trying to argue that minority characters shouldn't be killed off
what happened to her?
Lord President up until the Time War. Killed either by the Daleks or Rassilon.