ITT: Post your "Fuck you, I liked it" movies


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I hate and love it the same time


Matrix Revolutions



Fist Fight

Seeing Ice Cube and Charlie Day fight was fun as fuck.

Better than that trash.

objectively better that tfa


I don't get why people didn't like it.
I thought the intro was goo, visuals were aesthetic, mother fucking Daft Punk doing the soundtrack, Jeff Bridges doing two roles, and Olivia Wilde looking hot.


>into the wild
>steve jobs 2015

I havent actually seen Prometeus yet. Thanks for reminding me OP

Season of the witch
Fucking cage kino

I like all 3



only problem was the lead and Lupin's part being cut too much

Natural Born Killers - for years I didn't know that this was widely considered to be a bit shit. The sitcom parody with Rodney Dangerfield was worth the price of admission in itself.

ANOES sequels - I like all but two of them. You can probably guess which two. (Clue: it's because they are the boring ones.)

Rick and Morty.

Mork and Mindy - hey, I was a child. Also didn't know until years later that it was a Happy Days spin-off. Not that this would have affected my enjoyment because fuck you I also liked Happy Days.

Fuck you I didn't like - King of New York and pretty much everything I've seen from Abel Ferrara.

hey me too the hammer chase scene is awesome



I know it's terrible but I just find it really likable for some reason.

directors cut or theatrical?

directors cut is near perfect and reaches gladiator levels of greatness

Tron Legacy and Speed Racer

Mah nigga. I'd even put it ahead of RotJ but still behind ANH and ESB.

I think this gets some love here but not appreciated anywhere else.

>using the same beginning letter for 2 vertically placed words on the poster

Underrated kino?

PotC 4
Die Hard 4

Was kino as fuck even though I was late to the party only having seen it two days ago.

I know Crank series is well loved but they're cult classic action and deserves a third and final film.


Both Thor movies.

it's 3D kino


I liked it too. Not sure how the animation holds up today though.

Fuck you I liked it - Terminator Genisys. Or at least, I liked it more than I expected to. About 50% of it was ok.

Nah, it's now normie-tier to like Rogue One more than FA, but you can't really blame em, sometimes kino is just obvious.

This is kinographya pura.

I bought the DVD of "Alexander Revisited", the 214 minute version of the 2004 film, released in 2007, and fuck you, I liked it

MUH FUCKING DICK fap like a mother fucher to that naked cg duck lipped whooer. Say what you want about Jolie but she was banging and Girl Interrupted was her best role.


Was I supposed to hate this or something? It was pretty entertaining.


It's on Netflix and I'm kinda intrigued since there's next to fuck all on there I haven't already seen.

Why is almost everything history related on Netflix shit? Other than Braveheart and Patton I can't find shit that's good history movie wise.

Would you like to go Taco Bell and visit the Schwarzenegger Smithsonian?

Fuck you everyone, I liked it more than you!

i hope they bring garret hudlum back in the third one

The Longest Day is on Netflix. Zulu used to be, until niggers got angry about the white man killing their ancestors like vermin.

I maintain that Zulu was Michael Caine's best role.




REEEEEE..I want the Ezio arch adapted

It was fair, but turns to complete shit when you compare it to the original.

Haven't watched Longest Day all the way through but I loved young Sean Connery in what I recall watching of it. Might finish it when I'm through Peakey Blinders.

Turned into a tradition in my family to watch this at the lakes.

IT'S SOOOOO MUSHY *fucks you*

Also has John Wayne yuking it up and having fun. It's a classic.


I love this movie. Proof that a big budget (relatively speaking) isn't necessary for a fantastic Hollywood film.

Also, you can tell when you're dealing with a lower budget movie, because they won't use a snippet of a song that they paid the rights for. They'll use the entire goddamned song, and maybe even more than once.

Decent action movie with only 1 "I'd buy that for a dollar" making it a shit Robocop. Where were all the tongue in cheek commercials too? Sam Jackson just didn't cut it for me. Don't think he was angry enough.


ITT: Redditors in their safe space posting their garbage movie opinions.

Legit Kino

Assassin's Creed is shit

I just like the story and setting, only an idiot would expect some 3deep4you game based movie.

>The film Assassin's Creed at the meeting of the Templars, a secret order dedicated to social control and world domination

what did they mean by this?

this sums up my feelings on it as well

my guys

This isn't a film I would watch again but I kind of enjoyed it.

Also, I am surprised it isn't more popular on here. I am always depressed by the idea of people having "waifus" and I hate the very word. But this film seemed to have a lot of waifu bait.

In fact it seemed like something an especially immature Sup Forums poster would make. Vidya cutscenes and waifus everywhere.

Now that I think about it, maybe Zack should give up this movie stuff and just be a creative director on a video game. His shit would probably be much more well-received in that medium.

Does Zack vidya? Has he ever said?

The Star Wars prequels

Nah, just kidding. They're fucking terrible


I remember after a screening of SP he mentioned how he plays vidya and that his gamertag was a Wine. I'll see if I can find it.


Fuck. I loved this movie and I don't know why.

This was quite an entertaining flick.

Yeah I liked it for the most part. Too bad they had to end it like it was supposed to get a sequel.

braveheart's historical accuracy was awful

I think it's pretty good, just needed to not have the monkeys and only an implication of "alien" artifacts rather than a fucking UFO at the end of the movie. Definitely the worst one but it's fun all the same.



same. I love it for the mystery and the cinematography hate it for shoe horning Alien plot elements. It shoulda been its own movie

I like my films slow.



>Five stars
Maybe three stars at best.

Don't die yet, thread!

This was good. Dunno what the big problem was supposed to be.

the ending

Aye, the sheer absurdity kept me entertained throughout the movie.
Lack of jokes and the dry british humor really made the movie work.


this was a very enjoyable dumb comedy


I was gonna post the same thing


I don't know anyone who doesn't like this one.

Agreed. The part they get drunk/high hilarious

Fight Me


It really wasn't that bad of a movie. Worst part was trying to believe that Vin's character was of some sort of Nordic/Germanic origin.