Snyder took the lamest hero around and made him the ultimate badass.
Snyder took the lamest hero around and made him the ultimate badass
Aquaman was always a badass. That running gag about how lame he is is entirely down to normalfags who don't read comics.
You've gotta be shitting me, he's worse in the comics, they've retconned him to be able to stand toe-to-toe with Superman at this point.
Morrison did that. This guy is pretty much 90's Aquaman.
Looks great in this pic. But the armor they have him wearing in the trailer looks ugly. He should just stay shirtless.
And his trident looks stupid.
>Messy long hair
>Grumpy face
Did snyder took the concept of badass from a 10 years old ?
t. nu-male
Its unfortunate that he has to racebend him
What shame, a blond white guy can easily pull off a sea viking look
Sorry, but we all know the best version of Aquaman.
Good show