Why are you against open borders, Sup Forums? According to economists, free migration would double the world's real GDP

Why are you against open borders, Sup Forums? According to economists, free migration would double the world's real GDP.

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this is why

Implying the world wouldn't descend into self-destructive anarchy and eventually nuclear war before that could ever possibly happen.

because the """""superior white race""""" doesnt like competition

Culture > GDP

Do you leave your doors and windows open and unlocked at night?


white people see how bad minorities get treated in this country and are rightly afraid of becoming one

Whenever i hear someone saying it would increase GDP, all that means is some rich gorillionaire gets richer, while everyone else gets poorer.

Who the fuck cares about the world you commie scum.
All that matters is our individual nations.
Why should we trade the prosperity of the west for helping people who don't even know what a computer looks like?