
>My offer is 50.000$ for 85% equity, 75% of all your future profits, your house, your soul and your daughters virginity. If you don't accept in the next 5 seconds I will do anything within my power to destroy everything and everyone you love. So will you accept?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd like to here what Robert has to offer

Have years of sharia education hobbled your mind, eurocuck?

>750.000$ for 8% equity under the condicion that you tell everyone we're best friends now

I think I'm going to go with Mark

>Terrible decision, kid. I will crush you like the cockroach you are. You should consider youself lucky if you can still walk when I'm done with you.

Kevin, you have no power outside of Canada, suck it leaf

I can understand Kevkev because he actually has money, but why did Robert move over to American Shark Tank? In the Canadian version he was always the guy to say "I don't know what the fuck is going on, so I'm out."

>"About thirty years ago, when I was still a young man, I spent some time in Angola. I was there to oversee the acquisition of several diamond mines. Now I don't expect you to know anything about Angola, or anything outside of whatever utterly irrelevant town you come from, but to do business in that part of the world at that time you had to do business with the warlords. I was staying at the estate of a warlord who controlled government aligned guerrilla forces because I was told he was the man I needed to speak to if I was to gain control of the mines. On the second night I was there his soldiers brought around 100 prisoners to us: villagers who were aiding the rebels, they said. Men, women, and children. The warlord turned to me and said "I do not do business with a man I do not know. Show what kind of a man you really are." He drew his pistol and placed it in my hand. "No," I said. "Not like this." I returned his pistol to him. I instead picked up a machete that was lying in the dirt. "Like this," I said. The things I did over the next five hours I will never speak of, but when it was done he sold me the mines. Those mines are still operational and highly profitable to this very day. So, for a 90 percent share in your business I will invest, if you can show me what kind of a man you really are. No, not here. Buy a ticket to somewhere in West Africa. Only in the dark corners of the world can you truly take the measure of a man."

What if my daughter has already been BLACKED?

I wonder if he's aware of Kev posting. Of course he wouldn't admit it publicly, but I bet he would just absolutely love it if he knew about it.

I read the novmember 2016 edition of forbes and there was 3-4 pages dedicated to Rob. I LAUGHED OUT LOUD IN THE PLANE thinking about him and Kevinposts

>I can understand Kevkev because he actually has money
I was about to BTFO because of your ignorance, but I looked it up to discover Robert was much less wealthy than I thought he was.

>You have zero sales, there's nothing proprietary about product, you're in an incredibly competitive field with nothing unique to offer, products like yours are becoming less popular, your business has had nothing but losses with no path to profitability, I personally think your product is terrible, you aren't even a majority stakeholder, your business is saddled with debt, you've exaggerated several times about your business's success, and I don't think there's any market for what you're selling

>For those reasons, I'm out




Canada's next Prime Minister


>You guys are awesome and your product is successful but I don't like the color so I'm out.

>new season has a 'reaction room' with friends/family members of people pitching

does the american version even do this?

>I'm in. And for that reason, I'm out.

No, the American version is much better. Less melodrama, more boardroom politics and business pitching.

Kevin is the only one who doesn't play the "you have to answer me now" meme.

That's mostly mark and sometimes Lori.

Mark is the fucking worst shark

I knew a guy who went on shark tank.

Cuban shit on him a lot apparently and he ended up turning down the deal.

Has there been a porn parody of Shark Tank?


Kevin is the goat, if you hate Kevin you are delusional. Y'all should be hating Barbara, she is always visibly jealous of any woman entrepreneur. She is also the poorest on the show.

Any idea of which Shark has had the most financially success based on their investments on the show?

Really? Sounds shit, I haven't watched it since they finished slowly replacing half the original Dragons

>Less melodrama
>this is a good thing


Lori, do you have an offer?



Weren't these the idiots who pitched the plastic bag that turned into a bowl? I remember hating that idea but it might have just been them.


Fuck you guys are stupid. Not lol, not retarded and cute. Actual low IQ dummies.

Holy shit.

Fuck off retard

He dropped out of the running awhile ago.

>40% women
>40% men that sit like fags

Is it just me or was this the most clever idea someone's pitched in a while.


Your product stinks, your branding is terrible, TERRIBLE, but you know what kid, you got a lot of spunk and moxy, so here's my offer

Queefy Vagina Channel

shark tank is 40% women

It's always just been Barbara or Lori, sometimes both. They've had 4 main male sharks over the years and a bunch of male guest sharks. I really wouldn't mind seeing a new female shark / guest shark now that I think about it

what's the other 20%

I see somebody is using my OC.

Would she make a good mom lads?


Who was in the wrong here?

Mark's totally retarded when it comes to the patent.

I want to i-impregnate her

>Kevin "It's fantastic that billions live in poverty" O'Leary

Fuck off, leaf

Cuban, he's an honest to god Billionaire.
All the others, as of 2017, are valued in 9 figures

I'm about to cum and for that reason I'm out.

wasn't even funny

lori is cute CUTE

>it's Dragon's Den but shit
Why do Americans steal everything that isn't nigger culture from us?


Really? I think I agree with him. The idea that you can own the idea of putting special holes in clothes is ludicrous. Or owning any idea for that matter, but especially that one.


>You know Mr Wilson, some time ago, in the Bronze Age, a tribal people squabbled in filth somewhere around modern day Cambodia and are now fondly referred to as the "Leech Ones" by a small, dedicated sect of historians. While the majority of their existence has been lost to the sandy ruins of time much like my ex-wives, minute traces live on through ancient hieroglyphs and pottery. One such piece sits on my coffee table and is more valuable than the lives of 30 Cambodians - considering that's how many died pulling up the sunken ruins where it lay in the predator-infested swamps of the Tonle Sap-Mekong Peat Forests. Also five mules. Inscribed on this pot is a depiction of the long lost technique of the "Blood Nurture" wherein a mother, already used for the purpose of breeding, fulfills her final, most important job. The land of Cambodia is a harsh mistress and the newborn children had to eat. To ensure the survival of the tribe, the men would fasten makeshift masks of cut stones to the children's faces and attach them to the mother with rope fashioned from the local flora. The young would stay attached to the mother and cut her to bits, feasting on the blood and flesh for sustenance until she keeled over and died days later, afraid, in pain, and betrayed. Now, I look at you, and I see your business, and that pot won't stay out of my head. You're not a shark Mr Wilson. You're not a leech. You're a Cambodian woman being drained of her lifeblood by tiny babies.

>I'm out.

Obviously I haven't looked at the patent specifically, but likely what it is is a particular way of allowing the chords to be threaded through the clothing. The very fact that he got a patent approved shows that however the mechanism works is non-obvious, no one would give you a patent just for punching a hole in the lining of a vest.

>Or owning any idea for that matter
that's another topic entirely

That depends...... how's her foot game?

You are naive, user. People did get patents for putting holes in a particular part of a product. The only way to get around this was to put the hole somewhere else.
Also, pin footprint for ICs can be patented. This is literally geometrical shapes that a 5yo can draw. I'll tell you man, the patenting system is fucked up, because the patent office gets more money the more shit it approves.

It was created by Japs, you limey cunt.

You don't understand how being British works do you? It's our show.

And now it's an American show, just like it used to be a British show, and just like it was originally a Japanese show.

When did Shark Tank turn into a real show about real products? The first season was cringecore with ear implants and people offering equities of 10% for 500k.

Why are Americans so aggressive?

Nah, it's still British and it always will be and for all intents and purposes it always has been.

>guy became a millionaire by writing a book "how to become a millionaire"

Only possible in goddamn america

Anyone else think Mark's grinning face looks creepy? I mean he'd look super spooky if he became skinny and pale too.

And now it's American, as the American version is more popular than the Bong version.
It almost seems like you're shitposting and pretending to be retarded becase you weren't aware the original version was Japanese. Actually explaining why it's British would go a long way to rebuffing this assumption.

This, only he always looks strange.

Kevins face is super symetrical. Did 1 of those flipped image splits and he looks the same. Truly he is mr fantastic

All streets lead up to Mr. Wonderful