What are some films about nations that destroyed themselves in one generation?
What are some films about nations that destroyed themselves in one generation?
Angel Perry
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Jayden Barnes
Dominic Price
God damn, why aren't german people having kids
Ryan Collins
(((Hollywood))) would never put diversity in a negative light ...goy
Jason Young
Children of men predicted this.
Aaron Martinez
The same reason the romans stopped having kids. Raising a family was expensive and time-consuming and it interfered with their luxury and pleasure-seeking.
Logan Adams
>tries to ruin Europe with the biggest war in history
>tries to ruin Europe again 20 years later with an even bigger war
>gets bored of trying to ruin Europe with wars and instead tries to ruin Europe with shit skins
G*rmans were a mistake
Cameron Nguyen
Parker Ross
the (((allies))) were the mistake
Cameron Edwards
I wonder when we will build a wall.