>“I am a Jedi, like my father before me”
30 years later
>"It's time for the Jedi to end"
What's his problem
>“I am a Jedi, like my father before me”
30 years later
>"It's time for the Jedi to end"
What's his problem
Having your primary fapping hand replaced with a gruesome metal claw can change a man
He found out something about the origin of the Jedi that caused him to lose faith and Kylo Ren to defect.
Optimism in the writing back when it was a simple straightforward space fantasy story.
Now we live in a fairly cynical post-modernist society with a star wars that has become a massive cultural behemoth with so many books, comics, video games, spin-offs, prequels etc that its just fucking oversaturated. So, to do something that's engaging or interesting you have to be subversive. Straightforward optimism isn't going to cut it anymore.
Jedi are destined to keep getting wiped out
Might as well wipe it out for good
I hope Nu Luke is as interesting as Kreia
>He found out something about the origin of the Jedi that caused him to lose faith and Kylo Ren to defect.
Like the Jedi being a cult bent on kidnapping children, indoctrinating them with radical ideology and inhuman values, and turning them into child soldiers, all the while having absolutely no tolerance for any other religion utilizing the Force?
Anakin was right. The Jedi are evil.
They're bringing him down just to bring him back up, user. It's obvious that Rey's relationship with Luke will be restoring his faith and helping him remember his old ideals.
Luke will bring about the true balance to the force. it was his father's destiny.
Yeah, how dare the Jedi use their powers for good. Everybody should just sit on their asses and do nothing, that's what true good guys do with their lives.
You sound like a faggot.