How fucked is humanity future, user?

How fucked is humanity future, user?
How are you gonna surive the next 80 years or so as civilization collapse?

>Flag thread also

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tfw everyday you wake up you want to die so in the end it doesn't even matter

My wife and I just bought thirty two acres of farmland in Texas. We're going to build our own home, buy like ten dogs and get a ton of guns. We're just going to learn how to do as many useful things as possible- growing food, raising animals, blacksmithing, hunting, engineering or any random thing that we'll find useful. My wife is learning to make clothing, soaps, dishes, bags, baskets and such from scratch. We're gonna have ten kids and we're just going to try to thrive in a new, better, more free world.

Best of luck to you.Personally I think America will suffer the most in the next few years.
I still fail to see while Europe is sitting duck though.Are they just gonna accept their doom?

Get a gun and start training

Humanity is fucked worldwide but the strong have a chance at surviving

I believe Poland go full reconquista mode when shit hits the fan in europe, but since then most of valuable western people will be dead

dude... look into the predicted effects of global warming. texas is fucked in like 15 years

ayyest of lmaos. Do you remember when gore told everyone in 2000 that Florida would be under water by 2010?

>more free world

what a crock of shit. good luck with that cult user

Where in texas? i have a big tractor as well as some of the other things you mentioned for sale.

no i was five

Kek you were too young to remeber how africanized bees and some flesh eating virus would kill everyone.

If anything texas will be a fucking rainforest if the weather keeps on like its been.

well i don't know about then but its not 'bees' its just gonna be a really bad fucking drought. nothings gonna grow. thats all I'm saying buying a large farmland in texas is just a terrible idea

Mark my words the populization of nigger culture and the retardery of the millennial generation are the biggest threat to our nation.

The Meme became Death, Destroyer of Worlds.

Climate change is propaganda

Population control and pollution are the problems

You dont know what you're talking about, trust me.

California reverting back to a desert is a real possibility though

Every single generation has been doom and glooming it, as far back as recorded history.

The same "end is near" guys on the street today were also on the street 2,000 years ago, warning everyone the end of times is at hand.

whats going to happen to texas??

Global warming must have saved us from the Global Ice Age that "climate scientists" predicted just a few decades ago.

We should be thanking the coal people for saving the entire planet. Thankless libs.

20 years ago the town i live in was surrounded by sandhills, you'd have to drive 40 miles in any direction to find any real vegitation, there were annual sandstorms so bad it would strip paint off cars and houses, in summer we'd have weeks of 110+ degree weather.

Now the sandhills are all but gone, overgrown with oak and mesquite trees, ive seen 1 sandstorm in the past 5 years, and only then because there was a lunatic starting brushfires so he could report them and get to be on the local news.

We are getting more and more rain, and our summers are getting cooler while our winters are getting warmer. Average rainfall is up as well.


Shit just keeps getting better here in the texas badlands.

that is interesting.. i am still inclined to believe the peer reviewed scientific research sorry, but i respect ur opinion. i hope you are right

Sounds nice. Lick her feet for me.

>How fucked is humanity's future
We don't got one baby.
It's gonna reach a point where we won't have a future and we'll be asking ourselves where the fuck did we go wrong.

The game was rigged from the start.