what happens here? When and why did this become a nation?
What happens here? When and why did this become a nation?
eat a burger you fat fuck
They have the purest british blood in Great Britain
go fuck a dog you leaf
It's the original Britain.
I go to uni in mid wales and it's the whitest place ive been in the uk. my town took in just 11 syrian refugees and the locals kicked off about it. its a really nice country though which gets forgotten by politicians in london
>When and why did this become a nation?
I could say the same about a mis-matched collection of remote colonies (speaking different languages, having deifferent religions and cultures), glued together under British rule.
Then when they became independent they realised that they didn't actually have a unified culture or indeed any semblance of being a real nation, being instead Brits and Frenchmen.
That's when you had the genius idea, of uniting all these different people and lands together. Once nation, indivisible, under...
An uncucked and comfy place desu
to be fair, canadacuck you are a complete letdown to the Commonwealth. every other commonwealthian Nation has ist place which makes it pretty swell, but what do canacucks have? if you say maple syrup im actually going to never speak to a Canadian again