P-pls watch my show again

>p-pls watch my show again

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How dare you humanize a human.

jesus they're acting like he's hitler

You know how I know you're a pampered straight white male

Because he can spell words correctly?

>triggered nigger

Jimmy Fallon is a modern day Neville Chamberlain. Shame on you! Damn you to hell!!!!!

>when a nigger ruins a thread





He bought the computer he's posting from?

>t.never touched, tasted, or smelled a vagina EVER


What has Trump even done so far that's so egregious?

Ran as a Republican.


What a retarded response

>Both presidential candidates were naturally welcome to our show. That people might like one more than the other is understandable.

are you implying that he isn't LITERALLY hitler?


Born a straight white male

I thought people weren't born male or female and got to make that decision themselves. Did my professors lie to me?



If anything the left should be mad at themselves for backing Hillary instead of Bernie.

Shame on you idiots.

You mean to tell me... opinions differ?

Some did back him but black people are dumb and backed her

Wait you're telling me people weren't memeing when they said their college professors actually believed shit like this? I'm really glad I did a STEM degree at times, shit like that was laughed out of classes
>that time our lecturer set up the two class lefties to get BTFO and sat back while everyone shat on them

If you watch late night talk shows you are a fucking loser Normie retard. They are all terrible

>watching late night talk shows instead of smoking crack

>humanizing a human being


>sees Colbert's ratings are up with DRUMPH
>G-guys, I can be mean, too!

What a world.

>mfw liberals will still claim that republicans are "fascist" because they're so stupid and ignorant that they unironically believe it's on the left-right x-axis of the political compass and not the authoritarian-libertarian y-axis

Not allowing other opinions = facism, whether left or right - is a cornerstone of fascism and they're the ones practicing it.

How stupid do you have to be to be liberal these days? It's literally for anti-intellectuals at this point. It wasn't always like this. Sad development.


tbqh made me take another look at Hitler, he is no where near as bad as Trump. I say that in a far more frightening way than anyone would admit to think.

Jimmy's jewish handlers must be threatening him for not being hard enough on Trump

Sup Forums shouldn't you be in your social nationalism general?





because he's not posting from obamaphone unlike you?

Imagine how much Dem dick sucking there's going to be in the 2024 elections

not being a liberal democrat

Liberals are so assblasted and rabid that they will exile one of their own just because he acted professionally.

Take a note liberals in the thread, you better not agree with a one single thing that is center or right or else you will be expelled from the ''progressive'' community forever.

STEM is still pretty good mate

You mean like what happened to tomi lahren on the right?

Go back to your subreddit faggot

Is Fallon trying to minimize his possible help in getting Trump elected now that his presidency is turning into a train wreck?

It's estimated that 21,700 maternal deaths will result from the global gag rule.

That doesn't include the fetal deaths that will also result that presumably he intended to protect.

Those deaths are on his hands.

He didn't do anything. He had him on his show just like Hillary.

Got an extra scoop

Oh now liberals care about the unborn.

Or on the hands of the abortionists and the women that procure their services.

The difference is Tomi actively went out of her way to burn bridges where Jimmy acted neutral.
Nice try Redditor.

>Hillary stickers trigger Sup Forums


Read my post again, slowly.
Women dying from pregnancy because they can't access abortion is the fault of abortionists?

You should also read my post again, but much slower than the other guy.

Disgusting desu

They wouldn't be doing this if he was Magic Johnson.

No it's the fault of the unwed whore single mother.

Stickers trigger me in general. Anyone who puts a sticker on their car is irredeemable

>six (6) months of MSN promising incriminating evidence of international collusion on a daily and weekly basis
>six (6) months of MSN promising incriminating evidence of international collusion on a daily and weekly basis
>six months of alluding to this huge event coming down the pipeline and that the big reveal is happening soon
>six months of every comic and every pundit promising this reveal of getting caught red handed
>six months of inconclusive preponderances of he said she said testimonials and still not even a modicum of a paper trail

How shameless is MSN and even more so, how easily deceived are the dullards who continue to buy this narrative and falling for these tricks every week? Do they have no self-respect like Maddow and her incredible tax-release farce?

Seriously, will anything happen? I mean there's millions of people wanting his demise and THOUSANDS of people investigating for ANYTHING that will lead to the big reveal and still nothing has happened

heh you showed him

>I have never seen a vagina.

Any day now!

So why did you say it was the fault of "abortionists"? You can't even keep track of your own nonsense.

Well for starters he's literally Hitler

Look at any TYT comment section for your answer

too late the damage is done FAILon

Essentially this, whoever it was as long as they were republican the left would be losing their shit

"Trump is a Russian agent" is going to become the new "Obama is a Kenyan Muslim" in a few years.

this woman (male) has to be my favourite part of the whole election

Sup Forums, what was your favourite part?

It's literally the only platform the Democrats have. The only way they can energize a base for 2018 is some vague hope of impeachment on something nobody even understands at this point.



Seeing TYT lose their shit on election day


The Obama is Kenyan was actually less schizophrenic than MUH RUSSIAN HAXXORS

Are you KIDDING me!?

Jimmy Fallon would drown a baby on stage if it got a mild chuckle from the crowd


>Do they have no self-respect like Maddow and her incredible tax-release farce?
You would be bewildered by the incredible delusions these people live under.
Extreme narcissists who think they shit gold bars and yet still have that wonderful twist of self-loathing that causes them to vote against their best interests, and even more so they force it on the innocent.

>Women dying from pregnancy because they can't access abortion is the fault of abortionists.

>caring about women killing unborn children.

>Caring about children

The mother who goes to have a fucking abortion is also an abortionist you dumb bitch.

Well it's certain that Russia interfered with the election.

It's certain that Russia favoured a Trump victory.

It's certain that Trump officials met with Russian officials during the election campaign.

Which means it's probable that there's collusion. That's just common sense. What we don't have is determinative evidence. A memo or email or admission or some metadata or something.

What you're suggesting is that it's all just a very convenient coincidence, which is itself laughable.

I'm not saying anything complicated here, it's really strange that you're having such a hard time understanding me?

Fuck I would actually watch his show if he did something like that.

Ohhhh okay, so even though you distinguished between them in your first post (abortionists AND the women that procure their services) they're actually one and the same.

I gotcha user. I read you loud and clear ;)

>It's certain that Russia interfered with the election.

There is literally zero evidence of this.

Fallon will go down in history as the man who endorsed Hitler.

>it's really strange that you're having such a hard time understanding me?
Trumptards detached from reality a long time ago.
They're just in constant panic/attack mode now.

>There is literally zero evidence of this.

>We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.

>high confidence

That's not evidence, that's speculation.

Jimmy Fallon is literally the worse kind of coward.
He has no backbone and just follows what is "hip" for ratings.

I hope he kills himself after they cancel his show desu.

I greatly anticipate the impeachment hearings to come in, my disbelief comes from the fact that this alleged biggest open secret in US politics since the JFK-Marilyn Monroe affair has after six months of daily allegations, YET to provide damning concrete proof. MSN is responsible for incredible degrees of grandstanding and nonsense to get views and their viewers are just as stupid to tune in nightly expecting any new revelation when there has yet to be one.

>America is allowed to stage CIA coups in dozens of democratic countries for over a century
>Russia isn't allowed to favor a candidate (besides Hillary) or it's "unfair"

>Unironically believing the Deep State


I thought liberals were supposed to be smart.

>cancel his show
Won't happen. They'll find someway to make it popular.
I'm convinced he only got where he is because he's spread his asscheeks for every last aids ridden homo in hollywood.

>Well it's certain that Russia interfered with the election
Wtf, I'm With Her now

Hillary told her followers to love the CIA, so they love the CIA now.

>I greatly anticipate the impeachment hearings to come in

Oh, Christ.

>Why nobody understands me.
Is because you don't make any fucking sense.

High confidence is the highest level of analytic confidence. It means the judgment has been made based on high quality information.
the FBI, CIA and the NSA all come to the same conclusion on this matter.

how the fuck did you morons fall for this bait? what the fuck? dont you know better?

I have high confidence in my assessment that you're a child fucking dog rapist.

You can't deny it because it's evidence, according to you.

What are you basing that judgment on?