Is he /ourguy/?
Also fuck people who text during movies
Is he /ourguy/?
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Fuck that bitch. I hope he wins.
She is a cunt but why didn't he tell her to stop or get up, end the date and site somewhere else?
>paying thousands in legal fees just to recoup 13 dollars
literally our boy
I hope he wins but what is the basis for his lawsuit?
This just seems like someone seeking attention after his shallow bitch date was too bored to watch some capeshit and went home without fucking him.
No the girl is. I would spend the time on my phone if I had to go to such a garbage film.
this is why I wanted to be a lawyer
>manchildren using contract law to apply to gifts to a disney sequel
>being such a beta bitch you don't even have the balls to take away your dates phone
>she was his ride home
He had it coming
Is there a picture of the guy?
or girl?
I'm a rather large guy, somewhat intimidating.
If I see someone texting or using their phone I immediately tell them to fuck off and put that shit away.
This is the only solution to the problem. people need to speak up because movie theaters don't give a fuck.
Texting in movies sucks but this guy is clearly an obsessive nutcase.
He posted this thinking it would make him look good.
"Hope is wasted on the hopeless."
Is this you? You sound pretty tough bro I wouldn't dare text on my phone around you
He did just that. According to the article in the NYpost, the guy repeatedly asked her to stop and to text outside if it was that important. She eventually quit the cinema in the middle of the movie.
Honestly, I feel the guy is entirely justified. The law suit is just a last fuck you to her that he did for shits and giggles.
This problem is easily solved.
There are two solutions. One is a type of paint that blocks cell phone signals. That's a bit extreme.
The other is simply installing cell phone jammers in movie theaters. Only run them inside the theater. If people need to text or make a call they can step out to the lobby.
Wew. You seem pretty triggered.
Twitter feed is nothing but abuse from women.
>The other is simply installing cell phone jammers in movie theaters. Only run them inside the theater. If people need to text or make a call they can step out to the lobby.
Great idea, fuckwit.
Yeah because the theaters are incapable of having security and making calls
Fuck you cunt.
>Asks people to judge him
>Is judged
How is that abuse?
>durrr hello police? I'm currently being shot at in a theater!
You truly are a a fucking idiot.
>taking a date to capeshit
can't blame her for texting through that garbage desu
That's small claims court. He's not going to get a lawyer.
Seems like a huge waste of resources to have to hire someone to call the cops just because you bought a bunch of cell phone jammers. Also are localised jammers like that even available?
>Implying that people would stay in the theater during a shooting
Yeah, you're a confirmed idiot.
I guess you would just deflect the bullets with your katana and behead the shooter?
>Also are localised jammers like that even available?
I currently own a pocket sized jammer I bought from a Chinese website. The battery lasts about 4 hours and it fits in my pocket. I bring it to the theaters here in LA and it blocks out the entire room. That's roughly it's range since its a small portable model.
Wow. That comeback is so weak it's embarrassing.
Pretty sure they duck behind some seats at first to avoid getting shot. Anyway it's gotta be against some regulation to make people unable to use cellphones.
>Anyway it's gotta be against some regulation to make people unable to use cellphones.
It is, but I don't care. The theater exhibitors need to look into changing the laws because texting and phone use is making it difficult for them to sell their products. There's already been some talk about this possibility.
This is the sort of petty ridiculous case that gets passed onto a tv show like Judge Judy.
He still has no basis for a lawsuit though. If you take a girl out to dinner and she doesn't finish her meal along with no sex can you sue her for restitution?
reported to the fcc
> brba pleps triggered
> superior bcs fans know that in order for a lawsuit to hold up in court there must be damages
>watching Guardians of the Flop 2
he should sue disney for making such an obviously bad film
Flop? It's already passed $700 million. The first film only made $773
Try again
No one here goes on actually dates, so no.
How much did it cost?
fake news made by disney
goddamn, the shitposting never ends
It's about sending a message
what was she texting that it was so important?
She went home and got creampied by the Chad she was texting
The guy probably knew that and this is as far as he can go
pretty feeble kiddo
Yep, definitely triggered.
$50 plus shipping. Worth every penny.
In her defense, that movie was really boring.
Okay who was in the wrong here?
You should have brought your fidget spinner. It would have helped with your autism.
you got btfo and couldn't think of anything to say but
>u m-mad bro? heh heh
please. just stop embarrassing yourself man
Holy shit you are fucking retarded.
Yep, definitely triggered.
feels like a hate train where people jump with their pre-made lines.
Whats the message?
I suck big donkey Disney dick?
>movie is shit
>guy is manchild redditor asshole
>start texting friend because the date sucks and you're probably not going to go on another with this dude at this point
>guy sues you
>for $17 fucking dollars
> People tweeting about male "entitlement" and how this shows a complete lack of empathy and consideration towards woman
Holy fuck you have to hand it to them, they always somehow make it all about themselves. This whole thing brings to light something that people and men more specifically have to deal with and they pull their mental gymnastics to make women the victim as always.
>liking capeshit
Pretty sure you're the autist here.
>$17 to see a capeshit
what's wrong with normies
if her "friend" needed her she should've just left but the manchild should learn to read signals i.e she obviously wasn't interested
>my friend needed me right away
>stays sitting on her ass instead of going outside to at least call if it was that serious
She sounds like a bitch, I'd have left myself and went another day or at least moved to a different seat if the phone was bothering him that much.
imo guy just need to learn when to drop a girl, should have told her to fuck off instead of "plz stop texting".
No idea why is he getting a moral speech on tweeter or whatever
Mandatory guns laws in theatres would prevent this. Everyone pics up one 3D glasses and 1 .33 caliber pistol. Drop both off in the box on your way out.
I would sue whatever retard that made me go see that shit flick.
I hope she wins.
Kek I didn't know this was a thing
Buying from glorious People's Republic now
why can't people be with their phone away for 5 minutes?
idk I was dating a girl and she came up with the "let's take a pic with the food" bullshit and I already felt like going home.
>taking a girl you aren't already fucking on the reg to the movies past high school
rookie mistake tbqhwy
>I'm a rather large guy, somewhat intimidating.
>If I see someone texting or using their phone I immediately tell them to fuck off and put that shit away.
>Woman was rude on a date
>I'll sue that bitch
Yeah even if this guy wasn't a creep it would still be a dumb petty move.
>gratuitous CGI action sequence
>le epic humor
that movie was boring as fuck though, anyone with a brain was on his phone if dragged into watching it
Is it harmful if it just cuts off cell phone signals though?
sounds like he didn't get laid
>wah wah wah stop liking what I don't like!
>I currently own a pocket sized jammer I bought from a Chinese website. The battery lasts about 4 hours and it fits in my pocket. I bring it to the theaters here in LA and it blocks out the entire room. That's roughly it's range since its a small portable model.
that's awesome, assuming you aren't making it up. do people get all flustered and can't figure out why their phones don't work? fuck that would be so satisfying, SOOOOOO satisfying i think i might have an orgasm if i did that. Would probably give me away
>Guy works in PR
>Makes his own life into a PR disaster
It's pottery
>do people get all flustered and can't figure out why their phones don't work?
No. Honestly they just look at it for a few moments, assume they can't get a signal and then put it away.
I bought my jammer from a site called Deal Extreme.
honestly this could go pretty well for him, but yeah it was a risky move
It's about not sending messages
like you will get caught
>Anyway it's gotta be against some regulation to make people unable to use cellphones.
As long as the theater clearly posts it's policy before you buy a ticket, it's perfectly legal.
Too bad he couldn't get a class action lawsuit going with all the other theater goers so she'd have to pay out a few thousand.
Also, shouldn't he sue the theater for allowing her to text the whole movie?
Come back when you're 18.
is phone texting that big of a problem on murrica?
This site is way too expensive, you can find them much cheaper, but it's a good idea of what I'm talking about
Depends on where you live. Look, I'm not a racist, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, black people and hispanics ruin movies. I can't tell you how many times I've encountered a black person who just started talking on their phone in the middle of a movie. they don't even give a fuck.
>Also, shouldn't he sue the theater for allowing her to text the whole movie?
Did he or any other patrons notify the theatre? If not how can they be held responsible?
>typing like a nigger
This. I'm a subhuman shitskin myself and can admit, we are the worst. Hopefully the based white man will remove us from his beautiful lands soon.
>takes first date to a movie
>that movie is guardians of the galaxy
>is autistic enough to sue without basis
Sounds about right.
Her """friend""" was a 6'3" chad, and she only stayed as long as she did because he wasn't done whatever he was doing.